These people know what you are going through because they are going through it too
True or False: In middle school, your school day will start earlier than elementary school.
False school still starts for everyone at 8:00
If you are struggling in a subject you should do what?
Ask a teacher for help
In order to do well on your tests you should...
study and do your homework
In elementary school you have one class to stay in, whereas in middle school you...
move around to many classes
These people can help you select resources for projects you may have. (example: books)
Library media specialist
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in these?
What happens if you do not turn in your homework?
You can't go on the incentives and you sometimes have to stay after school.
If you are struggling what should you do
ask your teacher or school counselor for help
A great way to meet new friends is...
being friendly, including others, joining clubs or sports
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and spiritually.
School Counselor-Ms. Pospychala
These are the letters used in grading your work in Middle School and on report cards.
A, B, C, D, F
Name some subjects you will have in Middle school
math, science, social studies, guidance, PE, music
If someone is bullying you should
Tell them to stop and tell a trusted adult
Your teachers will probably give you more...
The leaders of the school are...
True or False: We do not have recess in middle school
What if you lose or misplace your homework?
If you see someone else being bullied you should...
tell an adult you trust right away
How much passing time do we have....
3 minutes
Name 3 of your middle school teachers
What is wolves wellness called in middle school
guidance or wolfpack wellness
What happens if you get 3 pink slips (3 missing assignments)?
If you are feeling overwhelmed you should
What do you do if your forget your locker combination?
Ask a teacher to unlock your locker, or ask a teacher for your locker combination.