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True or False
Good Idea/Bad Idea

How many teachers will I have at Middle School?

6 Teachers

4 Core (LA, Math, Science, Social Studies)

1-Explore for each 6 week rotation

1 PE/Health


How Often Do You Have PE?

Everyday-except during Health 6 which is a 6 week class


Name 2 Clubs at Middle School

Clubs vary every year but have included French Club, Spanish Club, Students of Service, Scholastic Bowl, Sculpture Club, Science Olympiad, ski Club, international Cooking Club, Debate Club, Anime Club, Builder’s Club, Yearbook Club, Hip Hop Dance Club, Board Game Club


Everyone gets a yearbook at the end of the year



You forgot something in your locker & have to use the bathroom so you tell your friend your locker combination and ask him/her to get it for you

Bad Choice

You should never give out your locker combinations even to close friends


How many minutes do I have to get to my next class?

You have 5 minutes passing time


What do I wear to PE?

A Woodland Middle School PE shirt and athletic shorts or pants


How do I join a club at Middle School?

Read Schoology announcements daily to find out about clubs being offered and get permission form signed.


You are not required to have your ID badge with you in the halls


You are required to carry it at all times and show it to adults when asked


You do not understand your homework so you decide to email your teacher to ask for help

Good Choice

(This is taking ownership of your learning)


How many times a quarter can I loan a Chromebook from the Rescue Center?

5 Times per Quarter

(You will need to leave your Chromebook at school when you reach your limit-so remember to charge it every night)


How am I graded in PE?

You get graded on being prepared (dressed in PE clothes/proper shoes), participation, skill work effort and tests/special projects


What is FNA?

FNA or Friday Night Alternative. (It is an activity at Middle School run by Warren Township Youth & Family Services and includes a DJ/Dance, open basketball, dodgeball, karaoke, sometimes a photo booth and food/drinks can be purchased)


I will have 1 locker at Middle School


2 lockers

(You will have a PE locker and a locker by your homeroom)


You practice using a combination lock over the summer

Good Choice

Although you cannot use your own lock at school and you will be given time to practice the first week, it will help you if you are familiar with how to use a combination lock


Name 3 Things that are the keys to academic success at the Middle School:

These things will help you to be successful:  Check Schoology every night, do your homework on time, study for tests, listen & participate in classes, take notes, ask questions


Name 4 Interscholastic Sports (compete against other schools) at Middle School

Girls/Boys Cross Country

Girls/Boys Soccer

Girls Softball


Girls/Boys Basketball

Girls/Boys Volleyball

Girls/Boys Track


What are spirit days?

School days in which students celebrate school pride by wearing clothes related to a topic or by participating in special school activities, such as ROAR assemblies


You are allowed to keep your cell phone with you


Your cell phone must be kept in your locker and turned off


Someone posts a picture and a mean comment on social media about another student, you decide to delete the post without commenting

Good Choice

Remember when you post something online it is there forever even if you erase it or take it down


How many explore classes will I have throughout 6th grade?

You will have a total of 6 explore classes ( a new one every 6 weeks)


Name 1 “No-Cut” Sport

Cross Country, Wrestling & Track are all “no cut” sports


What are the Fall and Spring festivals?

After school activities in which you pay a small price for admission and any food you want to purchase.  It includes things like a D.J., crafts, games, and an open gym for volleyball, basketball and soccer.


I can sit anywhere in the lunchroom


You are allowed to sit at any of your team’s tables


There is a fight in the hallway and you decide to cheer them on

Bad Choice

This will make the situation worse, you could get hurt and there may also be unwanted consequences/restrictions for the team when lots of fights are occurring on team