Author's Purpose and Point of View
Literary Elements
Figurative Language
Context Clues

Identify the author's purpose that states facts

To inform or explain


What is the main message, idea, or life message of a story? Ex: 'There Is No Place Like Home'

What is a Theme?


The comparison of two unlike items using 'like' or 'as' is a _______. Ex: Joe sprinted like a steak of lightning across the road.

What is simile


Joyce straightened the tablecloth and turned the crystal vase so that it caught the light of the setting sun. She placed two wine glasses on the table, dimmed the lights and lit the candles. Dinner was in the oven. All that was left to do was wait. She checked her hair in the mirror one last time and sat down on the couch.

A: Joyce is in love B: Joyce has a special guest for dinner C: Joyce is an excellent cook


As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her. In the above passage, the word “frozen” means _______.

What is not moving


Identify the purpose that expresses feelings in a personal way. Ex: A story about your dream job

Express and Reflect


When a conflict has been solved at the end of a story, this is called the _________. Ex: The criminals were arrested and placed in jail. Then the neighborhood went back to normal, and Kim lived happily ever after.

What is resolution?


The crook was as sly as fox.

What is simile?


When a character sees something from their perspective.

What is point of view?


The United States has a vast amount of newly discovered clean geothermal (natural heat from the Earth’s crust) energy. Tapping into this energy source could provide at least 10 times the energy that can be obtained from the nation’s known coal reserves. What does “vast” mean?

What is a large amount?


Identify the purpose to convince the readers to act or think a certain way. Ex: A letter to ban cell phones

To Persuade


What is a problem in a story called that at least one character has to overcome? Ex: The Big Bad Wolf continued to threaten the three little pigs by blowing down their homes.

What is a conflict?


What is an exaggeration that makes a point? Ex: I've told you a million times to use sunscreen!

What is hyperbole


Infer: 'Troy stuttered, blushed and shook as he addressed the crowd.'

Troy is nervous.


Poor Farmer Chevez labors sixteen hours a day and never has time for a vacation. He deserves better! Everyone should have at least one day a week for rest and relaxation. What does labors mean?

What is work?


Name the purpose: Americans eat too much fast food these days. In order to cut down on obesity and disease, you should stop all consumption of fast food.

To Persuade


When and where the story takes place is known as the story's ______? Ex: In Morganfield, KY on Main Street

What is the setting?


Choose the best answer. Which of the following are inanimate objects that can be personified? A. a star B. the dog C. Suzy D. Basketball team

What is A?


Infer: The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home.

Kay worked for a long time.


Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. It’s time to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim. What does implement mean?

What is carry out?


Name 1 type of writing we've explored in class.

Informative, Narrative, and Expository


an author's reason for creating a particular work: teach, entertain, express an opinion, persuade, inform

What is author's purpose?


The snow is a white blanket.

What is a metaphor?


To infer means you guess based off of __________.

What is evidence


Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! In the above context, what does “rash” mean?

What is with little thought or consideration