Counting I
Counting II
Famous Mathematicians
Math Trivia

The number of 2 digit numbers that can be made using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 only, allowing repetition.

(Note that 00, 01, 02, 03 are not 2 digit numbers).

What is 12?


The number of people who could finish first in a race between 10 people.

What is 10?


The namesake of a famous theorem for right triangle side lengths.

Who was Pythagoras?


This number is equal to the number of words you can count in this answer.

What is 15?

The name of the longest side in a right triangle.
What is the hypotenuse?

The number of 7 digit numbers

What is 9000000?


The number of possible podium placements (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in a race between 10 people

What is 720?

The namesake of a sequence of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... where F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2).

Who was Fibonacci?


The ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle

What is π (pi)?


The name of the 3D figure with 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges.

What is a cube?


The number of ways to choose 2 marbles in order from a bag of 5 distinct marbles with replacement (i.e., we're putting the first marble back after grabbing it).

What is 25?


The number of ways to choose 2 marbles in order from a bag of 5 distinct marbles without replacement (i.e., we're not putting the first marble back after grabbing it).

What is 20?


Famous Swiss mathematician whose name is on a lot of math things.  His name is constantly pronounced wrong.  The namesake of the number e.

Who was Leonhard Euler? 


The number of prime numbers less than 100

What is 25?


The number of Platonic solids.

What is 5?  They are the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron.


The number of ways to make 4 digit numbers using only the digits 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9, allowing for repeats (each number can be used multiple times).

What is 1296?


The number of ways to make 4 digit numbers using only the digits 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9, not allowing for repeats (each number can be used at most once).

What is 360?


Greek mathematician known for his contributions to geometry.  Published a book called the Elements.  Has an algorithm named after him to find gcd.

Who was Euclid?


The smallest whole number whose sum of divisors adds up to twice itself.  (For example, 28 is one possibility as 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 + 28 = 56, which is twice of 28, but it's not the smallest!)

What is 6?


The name or description of one open (unsolved) problem in mathematics.

Accept any one of: Collatz Conjecture, Goldbach Conjecture, Twin Prime Conjecture, the Near-Square Primes Conjecture, Legendre's Conjecture, any Millenium Prize Problem aside from the Poincare Conjecture, any one of Hilbert's problems which are still unsolved, and any problem they come up with that seems unsolveable.


The number of possible California license plates.  They are of the form DLLLDDD for digits D (0-9) and letters L (A-Z).

What is 175760000?  Accept equivalent expressions.


The number of different ways to shuffle a deck of cards, taken to the closest power of 10.  (For example, 148382 is closest to 100000 = 10^5)

What is 68?


A brilliant mathematician who determined the inexistance of the quintic formula, died 20 years old in a duel.

Who was Evariste Galois?


The proposed number of nontrivial solutions to the Riemann Zeta Function with real part other than 1/2, this number is also the most common MIT Integration Bee guess that contestants put in when unable to solve.  This number also appears as the center of MacLaurin Series of functions, and becomes the empty set notation when a line is drawn from the upper left to the bottom right.  The name of which is pronounced similarly to "not" when subscripted into a variable, for 500 points, name the smallest whole number that looks like an O.

What is 0?


Each team will name a 5 digit sequence.  The sequence that is furthest into the digits of pi past 3.14159... wins 500 points.  You may consult with your team on this question.

What is this question?