School Rules
Subjects & Study Tips
Extracurricular Activities
Organization & Time Management
Social Skills & Friendships

What is the most important rule in the hallway?

Walk on the right side and keep the noise level down.


What is a good way to study for a test?

Pay attention to class, write everything down, review notes/problems, use flashcards, get enough sleep.


Name one benefit of joining a school club.

Making new friends, developing new skills, and feeling connected within the school.


What is one way to keep your study materials organized?

Use a planner, organize your backpack, write down when homework is due.


What is one way to make new friends at school?

Join clubs or activities and be open to talking to new people.


What should you always wear to school unless told differently?

The school uniform.


Name one strategy to improve reading comprehension.

Summarize paragraphs, annotate texts, or use context clues.


What should you consider when choosing an extracurricular activity?

Your interests, schedule, and commitments.


Why is it important to use a planner?

To keep track of assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities.


How should you handle a disagreement with a friend?

Talk it out calmly and listen to each other's perspectives.


What is the policy on using cell phones during school hours?

Cell phones should be turned off and kept in your backpacks.


How can you effectively take notes during class?

Use bullet points, highlight key information, and review the notes you take regularly.


How many extracurricular activities should you join to balance schoolwork?

It varies by student, but usually 1-2 activities are manageable.


How can you avoid procrastination?

Break tasks into smaller steps, set deadlines, and eliminate distractions.


Why is it important to be respectful to teachers and classmates?

It creates a positive and supportive learning environment.

How many absences are you allowed before it affects your grade?

10 unexcused absences


What is a useful tool for organizing your study schedule?

A planner or calendar.


What is an example of a leadership role in a school club?

Club president, treasurer, or secretary.


What should you do if you feel overwhelmed with schoolwork?

Talk to a teacher or counselor, prioritize tasks, and take breaks.


What is an example of positive body language?

Smiling, making eye contact, and nodding while someone is speaking.


What is the consequence of being late to class?

You will receive a tardy slip and detention for repeated offenses.


What is the benefit of forming a study group?

Sharing knowledge, staying motivated, and getting different perspectives on the subject material.


How can participating in sporting activities benefit you?

Physical fitness, teamwork skills, and time management.


What is a good habit to develop for homework?

Set a regular study time and place, and review assignments daily.


How can you be a good team member in group projects?

Communicate effectively, do your share of the work, and support your teammates.