Size of the Problem
Coping Strategies
Body language and Facial Expressions
Middle/High School
Expected or Unexpected: Shaking hands with someone when introducing yourself.
What is expected
You forgot your pencil at home
What is a Small Problem
You get frustrated while in class at a peer. Act it out: Taking Deep Breaths
What is taking deep breaths
You see someone sitting at their desk. Their face is red and they have their arms crossed. What might they be feeling?
What is angry, frustrated, or upset.

How many years do you have to go to middle/high school?

6 years

Expected or Unexpected: Walking into the classroom and ignoring the teacher
What is Unexpected
There is a fire in the classroom. Your safety is in immediate danger.
What is a Big Problem
You are asked to wait while the teacher prepares something. You start to feel impatient. Act it out: Count Down
What is 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
A friend comes into the classroom and you see that they are yawning a lot and rubbing their eyes. What is their body language and facial expression saying?
What is they are tired

Sports you can play in middle/high school

What is hockey, football, soccer, basketball, etc.

Expected or Unexpected: Bringing a pencil, planner, folder, and other necessary school supplies every day.
What is Expected
You're having a problem with a peer and it keeps getting worse.
What is Big Problem
You're having problems falling asleep in class. It feels like every couple of minutes your eyes start to fall asleep. Role Play: Go for a Walk to wake yourself up
What is going for a walk around the room
You are talking to a friend and they keep looking at their watch. What is their body language telling you?
What is they aren't interested in the conversation or they have somewhere to be soon

What are some extra-curricular activities you might be interested in at the middle/high school?

[various responses]

Expected or Unexpected: Talking with a classmate while the teacher is writing on the board.
What is Unexpected?
Someone keeps tapping their finger repeatedly on the table. It's mildly annoying you.
What is a Small Problem
The work the teacher assigned is frustrating you. You keep trying to do it and it just makes you madder. Act it out: Taking a break
What is setting a five minute timer and taking a break

You are telling your friend a story and after a couple minutes their eyes start looking away and their toes are tapping and they are slowly distancing from you. 

They are getting bored of your story. You should probably get to the point or help them understand the relevancy.


What is a diploma?

What is the certificate of completing all requirements for high school

Expected or Unexpected: Telling a teacher when you are having a problem with a peer you can't solve alone.
What is Expected
You get stuck on a question and don't know what to do. You raise your hand to ask the teacher for help but she/he is busy working with another student.
What is a Small Problem?
You're having a bad day and just can't seem to get past it. Act out: Talking to a teacher
What is Role play: talking to a teacher about your bad day

You are telling a student in your class about a movie you liked last night. The student keeps looking away from you and concentrates on doing their work. What is their facial expressions saying?

They aren't interested in talking right now or they don't want to talk about the movie.


What is the Berlin Middle/High mascot?

Not sure!