Reading Comprehension

If the lightbulb is too dim to illuminate the room, it should be replaced. 

Using context clues, what does illuminate mean?

light up


I needed some extra support, in my math class. I didn't totally understand the problems.   

Using context clues, what does support mean?



The private files were marked 'confidential.'  

Using context clues, what does confidential mean?



My sister always sleeps with the door closed, but I prefer to sleep with it slightly ajar.  

Using context clues, what does ajar mean?



Because the author was so modest, she didn't make a big deal about her book being published.

Using context clues, what does modest mean?

shy, not liking to brag


Today is a special day for Bob. He was waiting at the bus stop with his dad. He is a little scared. He is meeting his second-grade teacher for the first time. He hopes he likes her. He hopes he makes new friends in his class, too.

What day do you think this is for Bob?

first day of school


We do not like how the animals in the circus are treated, so our plan is to boycott the circus.  

Using context clues, what does boycott mean?

refuse to support


The father and son collected kindling, so they could start a campfire. They got it from underneath a tree and broke it into little pieces. 

Using context clues, what does kindling mean?

dry twigs and sticks


Lisa hates all types of seafood.  She detests tuna just as much as she dislikes shrimp.  

Using context clues, what does detest mean?



I love chocolate cake, however I absolutely loathe vanilla icing.  

Using context clues what does loathe mean?



Mary left her umbrella at her friend's house so she got drenched during the rain storm on her way home. 

Using context clues, what does drenched mean?

soaked, very wet


Every student in class had to study the life cycle of an animal. Beth chose one she wanted to learn more about. She often saw it in the pond near her house. She was amazed, though, when she really followed one closely from it's beginning as an egg to a tadpole until its legs developed.

What animal did Beth study?



The company had to demolish, the building to make room for the new parking lot. They used a wrecking ball. 

Using context clues, what does demolish mean?



In the past month we have had almost every type of precipitation, including rain, sleet, snow, and hail.  

Using context clues, what does precipitation mean?

rain, sleet, snow, and hail


Lean fats are essential to a healthy diet. Vegetables are very necessary too.  

Using context clues, what does essential mean?



Last night I had copious amounts of homework, but tonight I don’t have any!  

Using context clues, what does copious mean?

A lot


The consequence of the rain was that the soccer game was cancelled.

Using context clues, consequence means...

result, effect, outcome


The old man was walking down the street slowly. Since he was a pedestrian, he stayed along the outer edges of the lanes and was careful to keep to the crosswalks as he crossed to other streets.

What does the word "pedestrian" mean in the paragraph above?

a walker


Anna has always wanted to become a doctor. She has had straight A's since pre-k. The best way to describe Anna is she is ambitious.

Using context clues, what does ambitious mean?

someone who works hard and is driven to succeed


We will be camping for 2 weeks. Are you sure we packed enough provisions?

 Using context clues what does provisions mean?



The old man ambled slowly down the path while his dog strolled next to him.  

Using context clues, what does amble mean?



The Sahara Desert has scorching temperatures during the day; however, at night it can be quite chilly.  

Using context clues, what does scorching mean?

very hot


The effects of the tornado where catastrophic, and the town took a long time to rebuild.

Using context clues, catastrophic means...

causing great damage


Do you carpool to school? Do you take a bus? It should be a requirement for everyone to either share a ride or walk to school every day. If we are serious about saving the planet, we must take steps to conserve energy and reduce fossil fuel emissions.

What is the authors purpose in writing this?



He made a lot of bad choices and knew that he may get in trouble with the police. He knew his future was precarious. 

Using context clues, what does precarious mean?

likely to fall apart


Lou was sent to the haberdashery to find a new suit. He needed to wear one for his uncle’s wedding.  

Using context clues, what does haberdashery mean?

a place where clothes for men are sold


It was an ordinary house. Like the one next to it, it didn’t stand out.  

Using context clues, what does ordinary mean?

doesn't stand out


Our last principal was very lax with the rules, unlike our new principal who makes sure we follow them all.  

Using context clues, what does lax mean?

lenient, easy-going, not strict


With a few alterations I was able to make the old witch costume into a scary vampire costume.

Using context clues, what does alterations mean?

changes, fixes


Sarah knew time travel was impossible. Everything she’d learned in science told her it couldn’t be done. But as she looked around the street, noting the horse-drawn carriages and the women dressed in long dresses and hats, she realized she was in the nineteenth century. 

What is the authors purpose for writing this?
