The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too
Who are the other students and/or friends in 6th grade
In middle school your school day will start earlier or later than elementary school
What is later (School starts at 8:45 a.m.)
The grade you should strive for in all your classes
What is an A
In order to do well on your tests you should...
What is study and complete all homework and classwork
In elementary school you have one class to stay in, whereas in middle school you...
What is move to different classes in different rooms
The person that can help you select resources including books
Who is the Media Specialist
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in the
What are the lockers
Locker combination does not need to be...
What is shared with friends.
Practice with this app:
If you are confused or need help you should...
What is ask your teacher, school counselor or graduation coach
A good place to study or research
What is the media center
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, socially, emotionally and with career exploration. (What is her name?)
Who is the School Counselor - Ms. Davis
This is the way your work will be graded
What is A to F (Same grading system as 5th grade)
There are four different teachers on a team that specialize in different subjects, these subjects include:
What is math, science, language arts and social studies
If someone is bullying you, you should...
What is tell your parent, teacher, school counselor. Remember that bullying is a repeated action over time. Not something that happens one time.
A great way to meet new friends
What is joining a club or sport (remember that you can't play sports until 7th grade)
The leaders of you school will be:
What is the Principal and Assistant Principal
This activity does not exist in middle school
What is recess.
Classes that are not core classes are called...
What are Connections classes (PE, Family Consumer Science, Band, Chorus, Art)
If you see someone else being bullied you should...
What is tell a nearby adult
Your teachers will give you more
What is homework, projects, tests and you will have more responsibility
Team teachers will include:
What is math, social studies, language arts and science teachers
Special activities that exist in middle school
What are clubs and sports (can't play until 7th grade).
If you are struggling in a subject you should...
What is ask your teacher for help. You also have a graduation coach, Ms. Lewis to help.
If you are feeling overwhelmed you should
What is talk to your school counselor to learn some coping strategies because maybe other students are feeling the same way and can benefit from having a group or classroom lesson on stress
Your school day will start at _____________ and end at ______________
What is 8:45 a.m. and 3:55 p.m.