The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too
Peers or Friends
In middle school your school day will start earlier or later than elementary school
History is a class in Middle School
True/False Yes/No
True, Yes
In elementary school you have one class to stay in, whereas in middle school you...
What is move to different classes in different rooms
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in the
Homework should not be _________________
Shared with friends
A good place to study or research
What is the media center/Library
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
Who is the School Counselor
What is PE class
Physical Education - GYM
If you are being harassed or bullied in Middle School, who could you go to in the building?
The principal and assistant principal, school counselor
A period of time in which you can complete homework, study, or quietly relax.
What is Study Hall
How many teachers will you have in Middle School
Between 5 and 7
Need help deciding which club or group to join in middle school
Counselor, Teacher Advisor of the group or club, older, positive peers.
What are Health, Study Hall, Computers/Technology
Special classes that exist in middle school
If you are struggling in a subject you should...
What is ask your teacher for help.
If you are feeling overwhelmed you should
Talk to a teacher, school counselor, or trusted adult
Your school day will start at _____________ and end at ______________
What is 8:15-3:15