Potent potables
Bardic inspiration
With friends like these...
It's all relative

This gets wetter as it dries

What is a towel?


All bourbon and Scotch are whiskies but not all whiskies are bourbon or Scotch...

Scotch is made from a single type of grain, usually barley, while bourbon is made with a minimum 51% of this grain.

What is corn (maize)?


Alas, none did foretell life's toils thus, 

Thy occupation a jest, thy coffers laid bare, 

Thine amorous ventures, lifeless from the start.

'Tis as though thou art forever in sluggish motion.

When naught hath favored thy day, thy week, thy month, Nay, nor thy year.

I remain by your side.

The Rembrandts - I'll be there for you


The total number of men this friend has enjoyed kissing is One.

Who is Robert?


This is my nephew’s only cousin.

Who is my child?


This word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary.

What is the word Incorrectly?


This is the potent potable found in cocktails such as the Necromancer, Death in the Afternoon, Last Resort, and the Obituary.

What is Absinthe?


Thine mind is as capricious as 

As a maiden’s ever changing attire 

Aye, thou growest moody as a shrew 

I am aware 

And thou dost ponder excessively 

Thy speech veiled in mystery 

I am aware

Thine is a love unbefitting me

Katy Perry - Hot & Cold


One of this friends most enjoyable things is playing the lottery. But they hate surprises.

Who is Yiwen?


This is my cousin’s aunt’s sister.

Who is my aunt?


This can be broken but never held.

What is a promise?


Black seal rum and ginger beer poured over ice make up this potent potable, suitable for many a night by the troubled seas.

What is the Dark and Stormy?


Hark! Doest thou not see me standing yonder?

Mine back doth lean against the musical machina.

I am not the most villainous thou hast beheld.

Canst thou perceive what I mean?

One might as well make the leap.

Van Halen - Jump


This friend can create a complex character in DnD with a rich background story in less than 10 minutes. But can't think of a single fun fact about themselves in 92 hours.

Who is Pete?


This is my wife’s parents’ other child.

Who is my brother-in-law?



This had a head, a tail, but no arms or legs.

What is a coin?


The French 75 - made of gin, champagne, lemon juice and sugar - is named after this.

What is the 75 mm field gun used by France in WWI?


Upon yon dusky desert way, where zephyrs cool doth kiss my locks, 

A fragrant scent of colitas doth waft upon the breeze. 

Yonder shimmering light doth greet mine eyes in distance far, 

My head, in weariness, doth weigh, mine sight doth falter, Thus I must needs halt and rest upon this eve.

The Eagles - Hotel California


This friend has quit the same job 3 times. They also have the worst gamer rage in the room.

Who is Johanna?


This is my younger brother’s cousin’s only uncle’s oldest child.

Who is... me? Who am I?


A Japanese ship was en route to the open sea. The captain went for a shower removing his ring and keeping it on the table. When he returned, he found it had gone missing.

The captain immediately called the five suspected crew members and asked each one where they were and what were they doing in the last 15 minutes.

-The cook said, “I was in fridge room getting meat for cooking.”

-The Engineer , “I was working on the generator engine.”

-The seaman said, “I was on the mast correcting the flag which was upside down by mistake.”

-The radio officer said, “I was messaging to a company about the arrival.”

-The navigation officer said, “I was sleeping in my cabin.”

This person was the culprit.

Who is the seaman?


The Jiajing Emperor in the Ming Dynasty died in 1567 after having consumed this legendary potent potable made from liquid gold, mercury, sulfur, and arsenate.

What is The Elixir of life?


Verily, is this the truth? Or doth mere illusion grasp at me? 

Caught in a tumultuous wave, no escape from verity. 

Unveil thine eyes. Gaze upon the heavens above and see

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody


This friend claims to have spent 35 days, or 810 hours, watching their favorite TV series.

Who is Johan?


This is the grandson of the sister of my mother's father.

Who is my second cousing?
