Which character was Titania once in love with?
Who is Theseus
What mistake does Robin (Puck) make with the nectar?
What is give it to Lysander instead of Demetrius
Who said this: "Treat me like you would treat your dog: shun me, hit me, neglect me, set me loose..."?
In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," the character Bottom is famously transformed into this animal.
What is a donkey?
What emotion does Oberon display towards Titania?
Which character was Oberon once in love with?
Who is Hippolyta
What does Oberon do to Titania while she sleeps?
What is enchant her with the "love-in-idleness" flower
What character said this: "I know a place where wild thyme, oxslips, and violets grow. It as a canopy of musk-roses and eglantine. That’s where Titania sleeps, lulled to sleep by her fairies with dances and music. In this place a snake sheds her skin, which is big enough for a fairy to wrap up in."
King Oberon
What is the flower called that Oberon is searching for?
What is love-in-idleness?
What emotion does Demetrius display towards Helena?
Who does Oberon send to retrieve the nectar of the "love-in-idleness" flower?
Who is Puck
How was the magic flower created?
Cupid's arrow accidentally hits a flower under moonbeams
Who is this: "That’s me — a happy night wanderer. I joke with Oberon and make him smile when I trick a fat old horse by neighing like a young foal."
What does Hernia have a nightmare about?
A snake eating her heart (while Lysander laughs)
How does Puck feel about Lysander?
Believes he is not good enough for Hermia (mistaken to be Demetrius and Helena)
Who is Helena jealous of?
Why does Titania have the little Indian boy?
What character said this: "The moon, who influences the tides is pale with anger, and fills the air with contagious diseases."
What memory does Titania reflect on when discussing the boy's mother?
She speaks of watching ships sail by and compares the sails to the woman's pregnant belly.
How do Titania's fairies feel about Oberon?
They are annoyed with him interrupting their songs and dances
Which two characters does Puck enchant?
Titania and Lysander
To where has Lysander disappeared when Hermia awakes?
To follow Hermia (who he now loves)
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
What does Oberon say Titania will fall in love with?
An ugly beast
How does Hermia feel about Lysander's newfound admiration, after waking him?
She believes everyone is making a joke out of her