Economic Perspective
Market System

At 100,000 pizzas, the marginal benefit of a pizza exceeds the marginal cost of a pizza by this much in the figure shown here.

What is $10?


Households and businesses have these two roles in the circular flow diagram.

What is a buyer and a seller?


A decline in the price of gasoline has this effect on the demand for small cars, such as the Mini Cooper.

What is a decrease?


A technological advance has this effect on the supply of car tires.

What is an increase?


It's the amount of shortage apartments in this market if the monthly rent were $1000.

What is 10,000?


When starting a point "E" in this table, it's the cost of one more forklift.

What is 1/6 of a car?


With the resource prices shown here, it's the profit maximizing production technique.

What is technique B?

Technique A and C have costs of 35. Technique B has a cost of 34.


It's the amount of demand Tex has at a price of 6 in this table.

What is 12?


Creating a $10.50 subsidy to produce car tires has this effect on the supply of car tires.

What is an increase?


A sharp increase in the supply of apples and no change in demand for apples has this effect on the equilibrium price.

What is a decrease?


If you're given a $100 budget, can only buy staplers and pens, and if staplers cost $10 each and pens are $2.50 each, the opportunity cost of purchasing one stapler is this.

What is 4 pens.


It's the production technique you would use if the cost of capital increased from $2 to $4.

What is technique A?

Technique A has a cost of 39, B of 42, and C of 45.


It's the demander whose quantity demanded increases the most when the price decreases from $7 to $6.

Who is Tex?


It's the change in quantity supplied as the market price moves from $2 to $3.

What is 5?


The supply of bottled water and the demand for bottled water rise in summer, but supply increases more than demand, causing this to happen to the equilibrium price of bottled water.

What is decrease?