An electoral system that rewards concentrated minority parties
What is: Single-Member plurality (or first past the post)
Party for senate reform, inclusion of western provinces in federal discourse, decreased centralization and opposed to bilingualism
What is: The Reform Party
Trade without barriers. These barriers can be _____.
What is: Free trade, tariffs + bans + regulations.
Differences in wealth between governments at the same level.
Denied the right to vote until 1960 in Canadian Federal elections.
What is: Indigenous people living on reserve.
There is sometimes no clear majority for more than 3 choices. (Name of Paradox)
What is: Condorcet's paradox
Currently, western alienation has been increasingly ____ as opposed to desiring representation.
What is: Separatist
The phrase in section ___ of the constitution, contested by the JCPC as either no prohibition on movement or free trade.
What is: Section 121, "Admitted Free"
Equalization takes ____ money, rather than transfers between provinces. These transfers are __, meaning that provinces have allocation power.
What is: Quebec
___ benefits greatly from FPTP, and ___ would benefit from PR. Fill with party names in the Canadian Federal context.
What is: Bloc Quebecois (or: liberals) and NDP (or: greens, ppc)
Exclusion of ___ from the equalization formula was pushed for by Premier ____ of ___.
What is: Non-renewable resources, Kenney, Alberta
Provinces can regulate economies, stated in this agreement.
What is: The Canadian free trade agreement
Where the union of a federal country is based only on trade relations, and conversely, when the union is based on shared cultural and communitarian values.
What is: Economic and social
Voting rights for all (with age exception) and anyone as allowed to run for office constitutes ____ elections.
What is: Free
Proportional representation takes vote share and ____ to allocate seats
What is: Translates directly to proportions
Arguably the main grievance of the west against the Federal government, now salient in the current Federal election. * hint: think Pierre Poilievre
What is: Carbon tax
The Supreme court used this to argue NB was justifiable in limiting liquor across provincial borders.
What is: Public health
Equalization payments as encouraging lack of exploration is named...
What is: growth disincentive.
Section in the constitution that Suavé argued was violated in restricting prisoners from voting.
What is: Section 3
Proportional representation moves majority decisions to the ____ rather than in the election process.
What is: The Legislature
Deep-rooted concept in Albertan political philosophy that contrasts the people as virtuous and Federal elites as untrustworthy.
What is: Populism
The logical fallacy of ____ can be argued to be operationalized in the Judiciary's worry that environmental laws would become unconstitutional. **extension question: interpretation
What is: Slippery slope
Because of _____ equalization reform has been unsuccessful. **hint: more than 1 right answer!
What is: Enshrined in constitution, general popularity outside the west, lower representation of western provinces opposed (AB and SK) in legislature in current Liberal government.
Government is allowed to respond on rulings with some leniency in rulings related to ____.