Criminal Profiling
Forensic Identification
Eyewitness Identification
Recovered Memory Epidemic
A distinct pattern of behavior performed along with the crime, also known as the method of operation
What is Modus Operandi (MO)?
This type of forensic identification technique has very strong scientific evidence and has been used to exonerate wrongfully convicted prisoners
What is DNA analysis?
This type of lineup presents all pictures of faces at once
What is a simultaneous lineup?
When one incorporates misleading information into one’s memory of an event, they are experiencing this
What is the misinformation effect?
Someone who has killed in four different events with a cooling off period in between his murders and three different locations
What is a serial killer?
Studies show that experts in this field are very good at their job. Compared to novices, experts show a conservative bias- they hardly ever falsely declare a match on a non-matching pair
What is fingerprint analysis?
This type of lineup presents each picture one at a time
What is a sequential lineup?
A self-help book to help women remember if they are victims to sexual abuse, which contributed to the 1990s recovered memory epidemic
What is "The Courage to Heal"?
People with this relationship status are the most frequently (70%) selected victims
What are strangers?
When additional information inappropriately impacts a “match”/”no match” decision of a fingerprint examiner
What is a context effect?
Contrary to initial findings, ROC analysis has shown this lineup procedure to be superior
What is a simultaneous lineup?
The theory that repressed painful memories create psychological disorders and liberation can be achieved by unrepressing the memory comes from this field
What is psychotherapy?
A situation that arises when a large database is searched for a match leading to a large number of false alarms
What is the base rate problem?
This kind of eyewitness identification indicates the probability of error is high
What is a low confidence initial ID?
This statistic was used in Lindsay & Wells’ study to indicate sequential superiority
What is the diagnosticity ratio?