Postmodern (1950-?)
Patristics (100-600)
Medieval (600-1500)
Reformation (1500-1700)
Modern (1700-1950)

What are the three liberation theologies?

Latin, black and feminist 


What is typology?

discerns patterns within and between discrete events depicted within scripture. 


How many volumes were typically in the glossed Bibles?



What were the hallmarks of the reformation hermeneutics? 

Literal sense, back to the languages, ad fontes


What are two key concepts that describe modern philosophy?

rationalism: a priori

empiricism: a posteriori


Who went on the uphill battle from liberal theology to evangelical theology?

Karl Barth (does not bode well)


Who wrote Dialogue a Triffle, a book on conversing with Jews by showing all the examples of Christ in the OT including the Scarlett thread?

Justin Matyr (100-165)


What are the four aspects to the Quadriga and what do they mean?

Literal, allegorical, tropological (moral), and analogical (future looking)


Calvin used all of the tools at his disposal. What were they?

Hebrew, greek, philosophy, geography, classical studies, and medicine


Who is the father of modern theology?

Friedrich Schleiermacher


What key events in 1951 started the movement?

the essay two dogmas of empiricism by Quine and the death of Ludwig Wittgenstein


What is Alexandria vs. Antiochene?

Alexandrian was the school of orthodoxy and Antiochan was more literalist 


The Renaissance began with what man?

Francesco Petrarch


What were the five principles that guided their reading?

1. The bible is inspired and authoritative

2. Bible is rightly read in light of the rule of faith

3. faithful interpretation requires a trinitarian hermeneutic 

4.  Bible is the front and center of worship

5. the study of the Bible is a means of grace


What are the key hermeneutical ideas?

1. Scripture should be treated like classical texts

2. hermeneutics of suspicion 

3. doubt, what ifs, ah has

4. the rise of criticism 


What are the three parts of the Speech Act Theory and what do they mean?

Loctionary- meaning 

Illocutionary- the statement with respect to the action- what is the action?

Perloctionary- an action created or brought about by an utterance


What are four of the five major issues facing this period?

1)distinguish Christianity from Judaism

2) distinguish Christianity from mystery religions and Hellenistic philosophy 

3)Define Christian God and the nature of Christ

4)How the Bible applies to Christian life

5)to maintain unity of the church as living witness of Christ


What was significant about the Historic Scholastica? 

Introduction to scripture for university students, important in monastic formation, was the precursor of the pre-reformation vernacular Bible


What were Martin Luther's major themes in interpreting the Bible?

1. Bible and theology

2. interpretation of the Bible

3. Law and gospel

4. Christ, the center of scripture

5. the simple sense


What are hallmarks of modernity?

1. reason

2. skepticism

3. science

4. secularism

5. optimism 

6. anthropocentrism


Who was significant to the Yale School of thought?

Hans Frei

George Lindbeck

David Kelsey

Brevard Childs


How many books were included On Christian Teaching and what was each one about?

Book 1: signs vs things, things to be enjoyed, used, or used and enjoyed

Book 2:  talks about symbolism and the importance of knowing the languages to better understand the figural language 

Book 3: Mistakes to avoid- interpreting the figurative literally and vice versa. His improvements on Tyconius 

Book 4: practical applications and teachings 


What are all the components of Lectio Divina in Latin and what do they mean?

lectio- reading

meditatio- meditation

oratio- prayer

contemplatio- rest or contemplation


What are the 7 of the 8 principles of Calvin's exegesis?

1. Clarity and brevity

2. intention of the author

3. investigate the historical background

4. original meaning

5. context

6. determine when we can go beyond the literal

7. determine the metaphorical language

8. significance of the scope of christ


What are 7 of the 8 criticisms and what do they mean?

1. textual- restoring texts to the original form

2. source: Q, sources subjected

3. form: seeks to unify into patterns/genres

4. redaction: examines the way that various pieces of the tradition have been assembled into the final literary composition

5. historical: authorship/ dating 

6. canonical: focus on the Biblical canon

7. socio-scientific: language is embedded in a social system that is shared by speakers, hearers, and readers

8. reception history: how the text has changed overtime in different cultures and communities