Famous figures
Military power
Great writings
Art and artifacts
Wild card

This Hellenistic philosophy was made famous by Diogenes, who wore borrowed clothes (or none at all) and lived in a large jar?

What is Cynicism?


This Carthaginian general ravaged the Italian Peninsula for fifteen years, destroying the Roman citizen-soldier-farmer as a class.

Who is Hannibal?


The first writing in the Western world.

What is cuneiform?


These occupiers of Greece granted permission to a British Lord to remove some of the Parthenon sculptures.

Who are the Turks?


Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare, and patron deity of Athens

Who is Athena?


This "great" Roman conqueror modeled himself after Alexander, much of whose former empire he took on behalf of Rome, and married the daughter of Julius Caesar.

Who is Pompey?


This Greek polis was known for being land-locked, conservative, and better than all of the other poleis at hoplite warfare.

What is Sparta?


The cause of Aeneas's decision to leave Dido behind.

What is his pietas, or his duty to the gods?


This purpose-built museum stands just across from the Acropolis in Athens to house the sculptures that now reside in the British Museum.

What is the Acropolis Museum?


Roman god of war and father of Romulus and Remus.

Who is Mars?


Roman constitutional used by Caesar Augustus, meaning "first man of the Senate."

What is princeps senatus?


This member of the First Triumvirate was known as the richest man in Rome.  He owned thousands of slaves and hundreds of tenement houses, but had had no military experience.

Who is Crassus?


The way that Plato's chained prisoners respond to the prisoner who, after being released, returns to The Cave to tell them the truth about the outside world.

What is with anger, fear, and murderous rage?


Term that means the process and legality by which an artifact made its way into a museum.

What is provenance?


Built on seven hills along the Tiber River in the Italian Peninsula.

What is Rome?


This so-called Battle of the 300 bought the Greeks more time to prepare for the Persian invasion.

What is the Battle of Thermopylae?


Alexander the Great kept these two things under his pillow.

What are the Iliad and a dagger?


He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Who is Homer?


This peaceful palace culture famously created an enormous jar featuring a huge black octopus.

Who are the Minoans?


His conversion to Christianity set up a major cultural shift in the faith's relation to the state and to persecution.

Who is Constantine?


This Roman statesman came up with a solution to Rome’s soldiers problem:  recruit from the urban mob.

Who is Gaius Marius?


A type of iron-prowed ship, victorious at the Battle of Salamis.

What is a trireme?


This epic poet wove some concerns about Caesar Augustus and the new Roman Empire into his great poem, the Aeneid.

Who is Virgil?


Term that means Greek-like, or Greek influenced, and includes such hybrid sculptures as the Gandhara Buddhas of northern India.

What is Hellenistic?


They are considered the primary (and distinctive to the western half of the Roman Empire) reason that the Empire "fell."

Who are the Germanic barbarians?