Figurative Language
Point of view
Elements of Plot
Uses like or as to compare two things.
What is a Simile?

What type of indirect characterization is this and what does it show about the character? "Jeff walked up to Mark and took his sandwich off of his plate. He took a bite, smiled at Mark, and then walked away." 

Action; He is mean.

Uses you and your.
What is 2nd person?
the problem faced by a character
What is conflict?

Which vocabulary word means: to hurt yourself in order to help someone else? 



Which kind of figurative language exaggerates the truth to show a strong feeling?



What does this indirect characterization show us about Craig? "Craig is a football player training over the summer for next season. The coach demands that all players come in at 6:00 AM and lift weights until 8:00 AM, when practice begins. Craig always gets there at 5:00 AM to begin his training."

He is hardworking and highly motivated.


What point of view is this?

The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the next bus would come in forty minutes. 

“What should we drink?” the girl asked. She had taken off her hat and put it on the table. 

“It’s pretty hot,” the man said.

3rd person objective


What is the last stage of a plot?


What is the hardest known material on earth?


Compares two things that are not alike and does not use like or as.
What is Metaphor?

What does this indirect characterization show about the character? "Corey came back from the bathroom and noticed that her rainbow pencil was missing. She looked around the room and saw that Beth was using a rainbow pencil. Corey started crying uncontrollably and ran out of the room."

Corey is very sensitive and emotional.


Which point of view is this? “As the campers settled into their tents, Zara hoped that the other children did not notice how scared she was. It was her first time camping and she was quite frightened of whatever monsters were lurking in the darkness. Meanwhile, Lisa silently wished for the night to quickly end.” 

3rd person omniscient


when the outcome of the conflict is decided. The turning point in a story where you may see a change in character

What is climax?


Which series of video games has made the most total money?



Name the figurative language: The room was as quiet as a mouse, with only the soft ticking of the clock breaking the silence.



What do we learn about Kelly's personality? "Kelly likes Aaron because they have many things in common. They have formed a great connection and she thinks that Aaron is very handsome, but Kelly wants to date Burt. Even though Kelly had nothing is common with Burt, he drives a fancy car and he spends a lot of money. She likes this about him." 

She is materialistic. She only cares about money or material things.


Which point of view is this? Mr. Davis had his head on his desk. Several children were chasing each other around the classroom. Others were playing on their cell phones. Everyone was chatting loudly, except Mr. Davis. He was groaning with his head on his desk. Tabitha came to him and asked, "Are you ok, Mr. Davis?" Mr. Davis raised his head weakly and replied, "No, Tabitha, I am afraid that I am ill."

3rd person objective


Which part of the plot is this? "In a small town in the heart of the mountains, there was a quiet bakery named Sweet Delights. The smell of freshly baked pastries and bread flew through the air, bringing locals and visitors alike to its welcoming doors."



Who was the first Disney Princess?

Snow White

"The stars will cry the blackest tears tonight. This is an example of...
What is personification?

What kind of indirect characterization is shown here? "Whenever Sarah entered a room, a wave of calm seemed to wash over everyone present. Her peaceful presence had a way of relaxing people and helping them to open up."

Effect on others


What point of view is this? "The stage was bordered with colorful lights but otherwise dark and in the center of that was the microphone stand. I slowly walked across the stage with my hands by my side. I grabbed the microphone from the stand and cleared my throat. Then I held it a few inches from my face and said, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready to get excited for the show?"

First person


situations or events that develop the conflict and build tension before the climax

What is rising action?


Which Chinese province was Confucius (孔子) from?
