Anxiety Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Treatment Modalities
Ted has an extreme fear of heights and is certain to only go to places where he knows he will remain on the ground floor. Ted has a(n)
What is specific phobia
Deeply entrenched false beliefs that are not consistent with a schizophrenic person's intelligence or cultural background
What are delusions
Insomnia or hypersomnia
What is a symptom present in major depressive disorder
People with psychological disorders may inherit a predisposition to developing behavioral disturbances. According to what treatment model does this provide evidence that _______ causes are responsible for many of the prevalent abnormalities
What is biological
This disorder causes a person to experience intense periods of fear and physical discomfort that interferes with their daily living
What is an anxiety disorder
Which disorder is characterized by difficulty in leaving one's caregivers?
What is separation anxiety disorder
A false perception held by a schizophrenic person that does not correspond to the objective stimuli present in the environment is referred to as a
What is hallucination
What is the overwhelming feeling of sadness a depressed person feels
_________ view psychological disorders as a result of cruelty, stress, or poor living conditions
What is Humanitarian explanations
What is a term that describes a state of mild manic symptoms
This is a disorder originating in childhood in which an individual consciously refuses to talk
What is selective mutism
Pam feels the radio is "forcing" her to perform certain actions against her will. Pam is suffering from this type of delusion
What is control
This is a depressive and bipolar disorder in which mood alterations are the primary characteristic
What is cyclothymic disorder
________ regard abnormal behavior as the product of possession by evil or demonic spirits
What is Spiritual exlanations
Social scientists use this term to refer to the interaction in which biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors play a role in the development of an individual's symptoms
What is biopsychosocial
A person that is concerned with avoiding humiliation or embarrassment in a gathering might be diagnosed with
What is social anxiety disorder
People that have the belief that their partners are cheating on them are suffering from this type of delusion
What is infidelity type
In order for a clinician to diagnose a person with bipolar disorder, an individual must experience this
What is a manic episode
Tom has been in trouble with the law for shoplifting and vandalism. Tom's therapist has asked that his family participate in his therapy sessions. What therapy modality is Tom's therapist employing?
What is family therapy
A therapist is using a number of tests and techniques in an attempt to identify the factors that are influencing a client's functioning. This therapist is engaging in a process more formally defined as
What is a psychological assessment
An individual that suffers from periods of intense fear and discomfort in which they feel overwhelmed and terrified by a range of bodily sensations may be diagnosed as having this disorder
What is panic disorder
this refers to a lack of interest in social relationships, including an inability to empathize and form close relationships with others
What is Asociality
A period in which an individual experiences acute but time-limited periods of intense psychological and physical symptoms related to a dysphoric mood is referred to as a(n)
What is major depressive episode
Which theoretical perspective views the causes of phobias to be based on the individual's faulty inferences and overgeneralizations?
What is cognitive-behavioral
This is an assessment used by a therapist in order to determine an individual's current functioning,by examining his/her behavior, thought process, mood and affect, insight, and judgment
What is mental status exam