Office Environment and
Daily Operations
History of Medicine
The office policy and procedures manual is important because:
What is all employees can access the manual and confirm procedures, new employees can use the manual to learn policies and procedures, and it is a living document that allows additions and deletions.
Who is considered one of the most brilliant minds working on the AIDS crisis today?
Who is David Ho
The organization that is a clearinghouse for information and statistics associated with healthcare is the:
What is the CDC.
What is the purpose of the American Registry of Medical Assistants?
What is to certify and advance the position of the qualified medical assistant, to provide updated medical and social information of interest to the medical assistant through publications, to be of service to its members.
The appointment setting method whereby a patient logs on to the Internet and views a facility’s schedule to set his or her own appointment is called:
What is self scheduling
The office mission statement may:
What is reflect the reason the physician went into practice, reflect the reason for the existence of the facility, and be prominently displayed at the facility.
The earliest written code of ethics was:
What is the Code of Hammurabi.
The National Library of Medicine is part of which organization?
What is NIH.
The prime concern of all employees of the physician’s office should be:
What is patient care.
The first prerequisite for scheduling an outpatient admission or procedure is:
What is an oral or written order for the procedure from the physician.
Should access to keys and security code for the physician’s office be limited and if so to whom?
What is physicians and supervisors should limit access to keys to trusted employees who need key access.
Which procedure was first performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard?
What is a heart transplant from one human to another
The ________ imposes data breach notification requirements for unauthorized uses and disclosures of unsecured PHI. Patients must be notified if there is a breach that exposes the patient’s PHI
What is HITECH act
Personal space ranges from ______ feet.
What is 1 1/2 to 4 feet.
Patients may fail to appear for appointments because:
What are they have been pressed for a payment but do not have the funds to pay, the patient is in denial and is having difficulty facing his or her illness, and the office consistently runs behind schedule.
A capital purchase is classified as:
What is whatever monetary level the facility chooses.
Who developed the polio vaccine?
Who are Salk and Sabin.
__________ is the principal US Agency for providing essential human services and protecting the health of all Americans.
What is DHHS
A person who represents a minor in legal situations is called:
What is a guardian ad litem.
Who benefits from a full schedule of kept appointments?
What is the facility, but also the patients, because they are responsibly addressing their health issues.
The fiscal year begins:
What is whenever designated by the business.
Who is known as the father of bacteriology?
Who is Louis Pasteur.
________________ was founded in 1948, is a specialized agency if the United Nations. The organization promotes cooperation among nations in their efforts to control and eliminate diseases worldwide.
What is WHO
The medical assistant should be extremely careful when using a speakerphone because:
What is confidentiality can be violated.
A method of prioritizing patients so that the most urgent cases receive care first is called:
What is triage.