What is the Hegemonic Stability Theory?
The theory that the world is more open and therefore more stable when there is ONE hegemonic power.
What is power in IR?
Which theory would say the following:
States don't care enough about absolute gains to overcome their reliance on state sovereignty
What would the realist say about...
The future of the Arctic?
States will establish authority over new trading routes to reap economic benefits
States will exploit hydrocarbon and mineral resources
Treaty of Westphalia was signed in what year?
In what agreement did the custom of state sovereignty, also known as the modern state system, come into practice?
Treaty of Westphalia
Soft power is...
(and give examples)
What makes it possible to attract or persuade others to your goals or values
EX Anime, Chinese navy hospital ships in Latin America
Which theory would say the following:
The EU has created areas of mutual gain that encourage cooperation and lengthen the shadow of the future for EU members.
What would the constructivist say about...
US Intervention in Syria?
States should strictly stick to the lessons learned from past interventions when considering future interventions.
What is sovereignty?
States possess autonomy
In terms of hegemonic power, what kind of system existed during the Cold War Years from the late 1940s to the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s/early 1990s?
What is polarity?
How we talk about the existence of great power actors in the international system.
Unipolarity refers to one predominant state
Bipolarity refers to two predominant states
Multipolarity refers to more than two predominant states
Which theory would say the following:
Free trade exists only because states allow it. States can be more or less open to free trade whenever they see one or the other suits their national interest.
What would the liberal say about...
The UN?
The U.N. provides a forum for states to bring their grievances
States engage in institutions like the UN because it creates the potential for mutual gains.
4 requirements to be considered a legitimate state
and which one is the hardest to achieve?
Recognition from other states - hardest
Anarchy is characterized by a lack of 4 hierarchical elements beyond the level of states such as...
Hard power is...
(and give examples)
Comes from military or economic resources
EX Embargoes, establishing military bases
Which theory would say the following:
The EU is an experiment in creating a community above the level of states, or changing people's self-perception from "Spanish" or "German" to "European."
Free space.
1. Someone bring up a current event
2. Someone tell us how a realist, liberal, and a constructivist would react
3. Another person tells us how critical theorists (Feminism, Marxism, Environmentalism) would react
Good team work.
Anarchy has these consequences
Self help behavior
Security dilemma
Relative gains
Conflict is cyclical
If I say "States are satisfied that they have greater national security through their membership in NATO than they did before they were members of NATO, regardless of what they pay. " what type of gains would that be?
Absolute gains.
What is the dependency theory?
Give me an example
resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy states.
Which theory would say the following:
The EU has brought democratization and economic interdependence and, consequently, peace to Europe
What theory aligns with this quote?
"The United Nations is what member nations made it, but within the limits set by government action and government cooperation, much depends on what the Secretariat makes it... [it] has creative capacity. It can introduce new ideas. It can, in proper forms, take initiatives. It can put before member governments findings which will influence their actions“
--Dag Hammarskjold, 2nd Sec Gen of the UN
Constructivism helps us think about the power of ideas, and how we can shape our institutions and reality by choosing to believe in ideas that promote values and norms.
Who said... “anarchy is what you make of it"?
and what does that mean?
Alexander Wendt
anarchy is not inherent in the international system in the way in which other schools of IR theory envision it, but rather it is a construct of the states in the system