Hammurabi ruled over what kingdom?
What nickname does Gollum (originally Sméagol) give to the One Ring in “Lord of the Rings”?
My Precious
Which liquor is made from the blue agave plant?
There's a ________ range of issues that we need to discuss as soon as possible.
a) far
b) ample
c) wide
d) high
The fire __________ because we didn't put enough wood on it.
a) died off
b) went off
c) died out
d) went away
died out
Chinese society began embracing the practice of _______ during the Song dynasty.
Who sang a well-known version of "I Will Always Love You" written by Dolly Parton?
Whitney Houston
What is the only food that can never go bad?
Before we ________ under way, are there any questions you would like to ask me?
Ils sont très sympathiques, ils m'ont aidé toute la journée.
They are very nice, they helped me all day.
The German monk who began the Protestant Reformation by writing and posting the 95 Theses on a church door.
Martin Luther
What recently released biopic covers the life of one of the most popular American folk and rock singers and stars Timothee Chalamet?
"A Complete Unknown" about Bob Dylan
Sailors from years past suffered from scurvy due to a lack of what?
Vitamin C
She cried all through what was supposed to be a ________ film about rabbits.
Le pain contient des conservateurs pour le faire durer plus longtemps.
Bread contains preservatives to make it last longer.
French king crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in the 9th century CE
In The Intouchables (2011), who are the two main actors, one playing a tetraplegic aristocrat and the other his caregiver from the suburbs?
Omar Sy & François Cluzet
Gumbo is a stew that originated in which state?
Louisiana :)
The word 'gombo' likely comes from the Bambara language of West Africa and means okra. Okra is an important ingredient in the dish.
Translate to English. Use the present continuous tense.
Actuellement, je travaille sur un projet important.
Currently, I am working on an important project.
The start of the tennis match was put back twice, before being cancelled for the day when officials realised that the heavy rain wasn't going to _______.
a) let up
b) let in
c) give up
let up
Roman emperor who moved the Roman capital to the east and named it after himself.
Constantine I
What 202 minute long movie from 1992 stars Denzel Washington?
"Malcolm X" with director Spike Lee
Coconut water is claimed to be used as ___________ in the case of extreme medical emergencies?
Blood plasma
Il est très sensible aux critiques.
Elle a réalisé son rêve de devenir médecin.
He is very sensitive to criticism.
She achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.
We always used to copy our homework from each other and the teacher never ___________.
a) caught in
b) caught on
c) let off
caught on