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A tube fails to fill with blood during a venipuncture. This might lead you to think that the vein has collapsed.

The vein disappears when you engage the tube


The slanted tip of the needle that enters the vein is called this.



The first step in the testing process begins when this happens.

The test is ordered by the healthcare provider.


According to standard first aid procedures, severe external bleeding is best controlled by doing this.

Applying direct pressure.


This is the purpose of warming the site before skin puncture.

It is increases blood flow up to seven times.


This is the dosing schedule for HBV vaccine

A dose of vaccine, a second dose 1 month later, a third dose 6 months later


If blood is drawn too quickly from a small vein, the vein will have a tendency to do this.



Glass particles are present in serum separator tubes to enhance this.



The purpose of "protective" isolation is this.

To protect patients who are highly susceptible to  infection.


A phlebotomist has a draw cart containing 18g, 20g, 21g, and 22g needles. This needle gauge has the largest lumen.



When performing a GTT, this is when the timing should begin.

as soon as the patient finished the drink


A patient that does not speak English, a patient that is a very young child, and a patient that is emotionally upset are all examples of a barrier to this.

effective communication


A phlebotomist has a draw tray containing a gray tops, pink tops, royal blue tops, and gel barrier tubes. She is asked to draw a tube for a top and crossmatch. This would be the appropriate tube.

Pink top


EDTA specimens are obtained before other specimens when collected by skin puncture to minimize this.

The effects of platelet clumping


The best way to avoid reflux when drawing a specimen is to do this.

Fill tubes from the bottom up.


This is the proper direction of blood flow within vessels between an artery and vein.

arterioles to capillaries to venules

The catheter site of a patient in ICU becomes infected...

A healthcare worker contracts hepatitis from a needlestick...

A patient is admitted with symptoms of Hanta virus...

A patient breaks out with measles the day after admission...

This is the only example of a nosocomial infection.

The catheter site of a patient in ICU becomes infected.


An unconscious, unidentified woman is admitted to the emergency room. We could...

Assign a name to the patient such as Jane Doe...

Assign a number to the patient until admitted...

Process the specimens after she is identified...

Use a three-part identification band and labels...

This would be the system of choice to identify her laboratory specimens.

Use a three-part identification band and labels


One patient has chickenpox, one has hepatitis, one has severe burns, and the other has tuberculosis. This is the patient that might be placed in protective isolation.

The patient that has severe burns.


A lumbar puncture is performed by a physician to withdraw this type of fluid.



This kind of POC analyzer has the ability to use capillary, venous, or arterial blood samples...

Its data can be downloaded to a data management program...

And it requires the use of an authorized operator ID number.

POC glucose analyzer


A request is given to draw a specimen form an inpatient by the name of John Doe (NOT an unknown patient). This is the acceptable way to confirm the patient's identity.

match the ID band and the requisition with the patient's verbal statement of ID


These are the recommended angle of needle insertion for an antecubital vein and a hand vein, respectively.

30 degrees or less, 10 degrees or less


These are the credentials for an ASCP(American Society for Clinical Pathology)-certified phlebotomist.

PBT (specializing in blood donor collection)


This is considered an accessory organ of the digestive system as well as a structure associated with the endocrine system.
