In the Tv (or S) Mode shooting setting, you control ISO. You also control…
Shutter Speed
List the three parts of the exposure triangle
ISO, F-stop, Shutter Speed
Which of the following does not control depth of field
Shutter Speed
The light meter on your camera is calibrated for...
Neutral gray (18% gray)
The aperture is located in the...
The shutter curtain is located in the...
Camera Body
In the P Mode shooting setting, you control ISO. Your camera controls...
Both aperture and shutter speed
What is the Missing Aperture?
1.4, __, 2.8, 4 ....
Shooting on a high ISO has the following disadvantage...
Increased image noise and pixilation
The ISO setting on your camera controls...
is an indication of how sensitive a film or digital senor is to light.
Carrie Mae Weems used a fixed scene with a single light source in the ______ _____ series to explore power, gender roles, and personal struggle in one of her photographic series.
kitchen table series
The AF/Manual switch on your lens allows you to...
Choose to turn and adjust your focus manually
In the Av (or A) Mode shooting setting, you control ISO. You also control...
Which of the following apertures would give you the shallowest depth of field (less in focus)…
The white balance setting on your camera controls…
Color Balance
In the Tv (or S) Mode shooting setting, you control ISO and ... Your camera controls?
Which of the following apertures would give you the greatest depth of field (a lot in focus)…
Which of the following everyday objects can you use to center your meter?
Green Grass
Going from ISO 1600 to ISO 400 is a change of...
-2 stops of light
Under the same lighting conditions and ISO, aperture f/11 @ 1/15 second is equivalent in exposure to…
f/2.8@ 1/250 second
You have a 24mm focal length lens on your camera, what is the minimum shutter speed you can shoot at without having camera shake (a blurry image from hand movement)?
1/30th of a second
Which set of shutter speeds would most likely give you a good panning shot of a passing bicyclist?
1/60 sec
Pics or it didn't ______
Besides a gray card, you can center your camera's meter in manual mode with...
The palm of your hand
The zoom ring on your lens primarily controls…
Focal length (35mm, 50mm, 100mm)