Oedipus, the King
The Odyssey
Parts of Speech
Sentence Fragments
Subject vs. Predicate

This is where Oedipus, the King takes place.



Name three characteristics of an epic hero.

  1. Noble birth

  2. Capable of great deeds of strength and courage

  3. Unmatched warrior

  4. Vast Traveler

  5. National Heroism

  6. Humility

  7. Faces supernatural foes/ receives supernatural help


What are the nouns in the following paragraph? (Hint: there are 8)

The Odyssey is my favorite story to read with 9th graders. The mythology is so interesting, and the characters are very relatable.  It is an old poem, but it still has importance to this day.

The Odyssey, story, (9th) graders, mythology, characters, poem, importance, day


Is the following sentence a fragment or complete? If it is a fragment, how would you fix it?

Writing an essay and turning it in.


I am writing an essay and turning it in.


What is the subject and predicate of the following sentence?

The dog ate my homework.

Subject: dog

Predicate: ate


This is the cure for Thebes.

Find the murderer of Laius and either banish or kill him.


This is what happened on the island of the Lotus Eaters.

Odysseus men "fell in" with the Lotus Eaters and got addicted to the lotus flower, which makes you "lose your hope of home."  Odysseus has to drag them back to the ship and tie them undert the rowing benches so that they wouldn't run back to the lotus plant.

What are the pronouns?

The Odyssey is my favorite story to read with 9th graders. The mythology is so interesting, and the characters are very relatable.  It is an old poem, but it still has importance to this day.

my, it (x2)


Is the following sentence a fragment or complete? If it is a fragment, how would you fix it?

Even though The Odyssey is estimated to be a thousand years old.


The Odyssey is estimated to be a thousand years old.


What is the subject and the predicate of the following sentence?

In the story, Odysseus demonstrates several qualities of an epic hero.

Subject: Odysseus

Predicate: Demonstrates


This is Oedipus' brother-in-law.



DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! This is what happened on the Cyclops' island.

Odysseus is curious about Cyclops and breaks into his cave.  Cyclops comes home, traps them in the cave, and eats Odysseus' men.  Odysseus comes up with a plan to get him drunk with really strong wine and stab him with a makeshift spear from an olive tree.  When Cyclops is sleeping, Odysseus and his men stab his eye out and then ride to safety underneath Cyclops' huge sheep.  They steal the Cyclops' sheep, and then taunt the Cyclops as they leave.  Cyclops prays to Poseidon that Odysseus will never make it home, and if he does, that he would lose all of his companions. 


What are the verbs?

The Odyssey is my favorite story to read with 9th graders. The mythology is so interesting, and the characters are very relatable.  It is an old poem, but it still has importance to this day.

is, to read, is, are, is, has


Is the following sentence a fragment or complete? If it is a fragment, how would you fix it?

Please turn your quizzes into the box by the windows.

Complete; it is a command, so the subject is you.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! What is the subject and the predicate of the following sentence?

Write your name at the top of your paper and turn it in to the box by the windows.

Subject: you

Predicate: write, turn


This is why Oedipus ran away from Corinth.

He went to an oracle because a drunk old man had told him that he wasn't the true son of his father.  There he heard a prophecy that he was to kill his father and marry his mother, so he ran away from Corinth.  He ended up in Thebes, where he defeated the Sphinx. 


This is what happened on Circe's island.

Circe turns Odysseus' men into pigs.  Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb that will protect him from Circe's magic.  Odysseus convinces Circe to change his men back into men (by sleeping with her). He stays on her island for one year. 


What are the adjectives? (Hint: there are 5; I will accept 4)

The Odyssey is my favorite story to read with 9th graders. The mythology is so interesting, and the characters are very relatable.  It is an old poem, but it still has importance to this day.

favorite, 9th*, interesting, relatable, old


Is the following sentence a fragment or complete? If it is a fragment, how would you fix it?

According to the history books that were published several years ago which are down in the old book room.


The history books that were published several years ago are down in the old book room.


What is the subject and the predicate of the following sentence?

Underneath the sofa by the stairs is the television remote.

Subject: remote

Predicate: is

Oedipus asks Creon to do these three things for him at the end of the play.

1) Bury Jocasta

2) Banish him from Thebes

3) Take care of his daughters (because no one would want to marry them)


Why were Odysseus' men destroyed?

They ate the forbidden cattle of Lord Helios, and Helios threatened to never light up the world again if Zeus didn't punish them.  Zeus destroyed Odysseus' ship with a lightning bolt, and only Odysseus survived.


What are the adverbs?

The Odyssey is my favorite story to read with 9th graders. The mythology is so interesting, and the characters are very relatable.  It is an old poem, but it still has importance to this day.

so, very, still


Is the following sentence a fragment or complete? If it is a fragment, how would you fix it?

Eat your vegetables.

Complete; it is a command, so the subject is you.


What is the subject and the predicate of the following sentence?

How was Odysseus clever enough to devise the Trojan Horse?

Subject: Odysseus

Predicate: was