Unit 1
Unit 2
unit 3 - First Part
Unit 3 - Second part
Unit 4

Is the following sentence non-standard or informal?

I ain't told a thing.



What is the difference between a lexical and a grammatical word?

Lexical words: words that carry meaning: verbs, nouns, adjectives & adverbs.

Grammatical words: link and order lexical words to ensure coherence and cohesion: pronouns, articles, determiners, auxiliary verbs and prepositions


How many tenses do we have in English?

Present & Past (Future is not a tense grammatically speaking).


which 2 main types of modality can be expressed?

Epistemic (probability) and deontic (obligation)


Which is has a closer relationship with the head noun: a modifier or a complement?

A complement


What is descriptive grammar?

Grammar that describes underlies the way people actually speak and write the sentence.

Which type of verb is it according to the state of affairs? Action, Process, Position or State?

I slipped.


Process: it implies a change, but it is not controlled by the participant.


Complete the sentence:

Tense is concerned with.....while aspect is concerned with..

Tense is concerned with time while aspect is concerned with duration and completion.


Complete the sentence with a modal verb:

If you don't feel ok, you _____________ to see a doctor.



Which type of noun is cattle

The cattle run into the forest.

Plural-only noun


Divide the following sentence into subject & predicate:

That kid that was talking to my nephew while playing with the ball is much older than you think.

Subject: That kid that was talking to my nephew while playing with the ball

Predicate: is much older than you think.


Is this a prepositional or a phrasal verb?

Mary put on her shirt. 

Phrasal verb:

Mary put it on.


Decide whether the situation expressed in the sentence below is bounded (with an end-point) or unbounded (without an end-point):

The light projects a weird shadow.



Which type of construction is it?

I play basketball with my friends

monotransitive constraction 


Complete the sentence with the right article:

_____Foreigners tend to feel welcomed in Madrid.

No article.


Is this sentence acceptable for descriptive grammar, prescriptive grammar, or both?

Here it is the teacher I spoke to yesterday.

Only descriptive. Prescriptive grammar will only accept:

Here it is the teacher to whom I spoke yesterday.


How many constituents do we have in this sentence?

John drives smoothly. 


1) John

2) drives

3) smoothly

4) drives smoothly


Is this sentence perfect or perfective?

I have been to Australia.

Both: Perfect (have been) and perfective (completed action).


What type of construction is it?

I swim 5 kilometers a day

locomotive construction


Which is the right option?

Ines' car is broken.

Ines's car is broken.

Ines car is broken.

Ines's car is broken.


Is this sentence canonical or noncanonical? If noncanonical, which noncanonical category does it belong to?

This wall was painted by my sister.

Noncanonical --> passive


Which type of clause is it: finite, non-finite or verbless?

Eating vegetables is not that healthy

non-finite (gerund)


Create the passive version of this sentence:

The car sold yesterday.

That's a middle construction. The passive voice will be:

The car was sold yesterday by the car dealer.

What type of construction is it?

I put the keys in the drawer.

Resultive construction.


Which is the right option?

The peoples' sweaters were all wet.

The people's sweaters were all wet.

The peoples's sweaters were all wet. 

The people's sweaters were all wet.