Essay Structure
Writing Grammar/ MLA Rules
Writing Convention Rules
Rhetorical Situations

What are the components of an introduction paragraph? List the components in the correct order. (Hint: There are 3)

What is the General Statement (Hook), Comments/Background on topic and Thesis Statement?


Definition of homophones. Provide an example of the correct use of homophones in a sentence.

What are words that are pronounced the same way, but have different meanings and spellings? ie.) There/They're/Their To/Too/Two Which/Witch Allowed/Aloud Weather/Whether etc.


True or False:

You should use clichés in your academic writing to enhance your overall purpose.

False- You should avoid using clichés in an effort to remain formal in your writing.


Definition of rhetorical analysis verb

What is precise verbs used to describe what the speaker is doing in the text.


Identify the type of poem:

Students activate work mode 

to ensure their comprehension of a concept 

usually up all night the 

day before an exam 

yearning for a passing grade

What is,

an Acrostic poem 


What are the components of a conclusion paragraph? (Hint: There are 3)

What is the restatement of thesis, summarize main points discussed in the body of the essay, and closing sentence.


True or False: 

1.) You can use up to five contractions in your academic writing before it is considered unprofessional. 

2.) All numbers should be written out in full rather than presented in digits.

1.) False- avoid using contractions in academic writing 

2.) False- numbers below 100 are written in full and numbers above 100 are written in digits


How do you properly address the author in academic writing?

What is: The first time referring to the author, use his/her full name. After that, only use the last name.


Definition of a rhetorical move

What is,

Any strategy the author uses to advance their argument.


Define a Haiku poem

What is,

A Japanese poem with 3 three lines that follows a specific line pattern:

Line 1: 5 syllables 

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables 


Other than the body paragraphs, where else can you find the topics written for each body in your 5 paragraph essay?

What is the thesis statement?


Function of an apostrophe and the part of speech that must come directly after it 

What is to show possession/ownership? The word following the apostrophe must be a noun.


Types of pronouns to avoid in academic writing. What is the exception?

What are first and second person pronouns? You should avoid using these pronouns unless they are included in a direct quote from the text.


What does SOAPSTone stand for? Describe each element.

What is Subject (main idea/topic), Occasion (situation/time/place/event), Audience (intended reader), Purpose (to inform, entertain, persuade or share feelings), Speaker (who is telling the story/POV) and Tone (words that describe the speaker's attitude)?


Define the following poetry terms:




Form- the appearance of words on the page 

Line- a group of words on a singe line of the poem 

Stanza- a group of lines arranged together 


What are three proper ways to integrate supporting evidence into academic writing?

1.) Introduce a quote by telling who said it. ie.) Williams' explores, "..."

2.) Introduction with an opening phrase. ie.) Finally, McGonigal spotlights the over five million “extreme gamers" in the U.S. who play on average forty-five hours a week.

3.) Introduction with a complete sentence and colon (:). ie.)McGonigal specifies that there are more than six million gamers in China alone: “who spend at least 22 hours a week gaming, the equivalent of a part-time job.”


4 main rules for the Work Cited Page 

1.) The titles depends on the number of sources 

2.) All citations are in alphabetical order by the author's last name 

3.) Indent the second and proceeding lines NOT the first line

4.) Located at the end of the essay on a separate page 


Which titles should be placed in quotation marks?

What are poem titles, short story titles and song titles?


Identify the SOAPSTone Elements: 

Your sister is trying to inform your father about the dangers of rollercoasters to avoid going to Six Flags over the weekend.

What is:

Speaker- your sister

Occasion- going to Six Flags over the weekend

Audience- your father

Purpose- inform your father about the dangers of rollercoasters

Subject- rollercoasters

Tone- informative 


Is a narrative poem typically shorter or longer? Why?

What is,

A narrative poem is typically longer because the poet has to establish the character and the plot.


 How do you properly document your supporting evidence in academic writing? (Hint: There are 2)

1.) The author's last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken must appear in the text. ie.) (Williams 2).

2.) The author's name may appear in the sentence itself, while the page/paragraph number always appears in parenthesis at the end of your sentence. Williams conveys, "...." (2).


Identify the incorrect usage of grammar rules in the academic writing sample below. Explain your reasoning. (Hint: There are 6)

mcGonigals article, Reality is Broken presents interesting discoveries surrounding the growing gaming community! What is your perspective on the gaming community? 

Capitalization- McGonigal is a proper noun

Missing apostrophe- showing ownership of article 

Title Punctuation- Article titles should be in quotations  

Avoid using exclamation marks in academic writing because they give the writing piece an overly-excited tone.

Avoid using second person pronouns. 

Avoid asking questions in academic writing. You should be answering the question, not posing new ones.

*Exceptions to the punctuations are if they are used in a direct quote.


Which titles should be italicized/underlined? When should you italicize and when should you underline?

What are novel titles, drama titles, movie titles, magazine titles and television shows? You italicize these titles when you are typing and underline them when you are handwriting.


Difference between move sentences and descriptive outlining sentences.

What is- Move sentences describe what the speaker is doing with a particular phrase, sentence or word in the text (rhetorical move). Descriptive outlining is how the authors' rhetorical moves build on one another by focusing on what the speaker says or does/accomplishes in each section.


Difference between a meter and rhythm in poetry

What is,

Meter- the rhythmic structure of a line in poetry composed of stressed and unstressed syllables

Rhythm- the beat or flow of words within each meter or stanza