Safety system that prevents improper connection of gas cylinders with the yoke of the anesthesia machine
Pin Index Safety System
Final component of the low pressure section of an anesthesia machine just before the circle breathing system starts
common gas outlet (CGO)
Most common classification/type of breathing circuit used in the U.S. (i.e. open, closed, semi-open, semi-closed)
semi-closed circuit
Level at which the arterial line transducer should be placed in the sitting/beach chair and reverse Trendelenburg positions (and why??)
external acoustic meatus; to correlate with the Circle of Willis and ensure adequate cerebral perfusion
Gold standard location for core temperature monitoring
pulmonary artery
E-cylinder capacity (Liters) and pressure (psi) of a full tank of nitrous oxide (N2O)
1590 L; 745 psi
Vaporizers and a one-way check valve are located in this section of the anesthesia machine
Low pressure segment
Where mechanical deadspace is located in the circle breathing system
distal to the Y-piece
Three factors that can affect pulse oximeter readings
shivering, seizures, movement, nail polish (blue, green, black), CO, methylene blue/IV dyes, low perfusion, improperly placed probes, peripheral vasoconstriction
The main CNS structure that regulates temperature
Type of scavenging interface that has a higher risk of occupational exposure for health care providers
open interface
Intermediate pressure segment
Two parts of the circle breathing system that add slight resistance to the system
unidirectional valves + CO2 absorber
Wavelengths at which deoxygenated hemoglobin absorbs red light and oxygenated hemoglobin absorbs infrared light
660 nm (deoxyHgb absorbs red); 940 nm (oxyHgb absorbs infrared)
Meperedine 12.5-25 mg
NIOSH max concentration recommendation (in ppm) for occupational exposure to halogenated agents
< 2 ppm for halogenated agents
Use of this feature on the anesthesia machine can lead to periods of awareness as well as potential barotrauma
oxygen (O2) flush button
fresh gas inlet, inspiratory + expiratory breathing tubes, inspiratory + expiratory unidirectional valves, Y-piece connector, reservoir bag, APL valve, CO2 absorber
Impaired drug metabolism (longer duration of action of drugs, prolonged wake up), ↓ MAC, coagulopathy (↑ bleeding d/t impaired enzyme function + platelet aggregation), postop shivering, ↑ risk of infection, sympathetic activation (+ myocardial ischemia), vasoconstriction
The temperature at or above which a gas CANNOT be converted to a liquid, regardless of the amount of pressure applied
critical temperature
If the anesthesia machine master switch is turned off, name two functions that will still work
O2 flush button; Auxiliary oxygen; Convenience electrical outlets on the back on the machine; Battery charger
Absorptive capacity of a soda lime CO2 absorber (units are L of CO2 per gram of absorbent)
23 L CO2/100 g absorbent
Normal PaCO2 - etCO2 gradient and what it reflects
usually ~2-5 mmHg; reflects the alveolar dead space
Two most significant forms of heat loss in the operating room environment