Yellow Journalism
The First Amendment
The Muckrakers
Propaganda and Misinformation

What was the first newspaper considered part of the 'penny press?'

What is the The New York Sun? (Founded by Benjamin Day, was the name of America’s first penny press. It was established in New York in 1833.)


Term for opinion articles not written by newspaper staff but often on the page opposite the editorial page. 

What is an Op-Ed?


The five freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment.

What are the right to freedom of religion, press, speech, peaceably assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. 


"Muckracker" who checked herself into a mental health asylum and then exposed conditions there. 

Who is Nelly Bly?


The agency formed by Woodrow Wilson to drum up support for WWI through government-sponsored media. 

What is the Committee on Public Information?


Which newspaper owned by William Randolph Hearst was known for its role in the Spanish-American war?

What is the New York Journal?


The social media outlet that may be shut down or forced to be sold by the U.S. government.

What is TikTok?


A form of censorship that gives the government permission to review contents of printed materials that may prevent publication.

What is prior restraint?


Muckracker whose decades-long exposes about lynching eventually led to a law more than a century after first exposing the practice. 

Who is Ida B. Wells?


The person in charge of the Committee on Public Information.

Who is Robert Creel?


Hearst's biggest rival.

Who is Joseph Pulitzer?


Considered the "father" of  journalism in the United States.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


A law introduced by President John Adams that made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish...any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government.

What is the Sedition Act?


Author of "The Jungle," a novel exposing deplorable conditions in the meatpacking industry. 

Who is Upton Sinclair?


Groups of "trusted men" dispatched to persuade the public to support US military efforts in WWI. 

Who were the "Four Minute Men?"

The cartoon character that symbolized the yellow journalism era.

Who is the Yellow Kid?


The number of presidential debates Donald Trump has participated in the 2024 election season.

What is two?


In 1971, who leaked information on secret documents evaluating the Vietnam War, eventually leading to a landmark press freedom case known as the Pentagon Papers?

Who is Daniel Ellsberg? 


Muckracker who went after Nelson D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil. 

Who is Ida Tarbell?


The name for an original source of information, such as a government document or direct quote. 

What is a primary source?


What was the name of the ship whose explosion newspapers used to help spark the Spanish-American war?

What is the Maine?


The first broadcasting "network" that united "affiliates" and gave birth to national news over the airwaves was called what and formed when?

What is the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) formed in 1924 by RCA?


Does the First Amendment apply to private college student publications?

According to the Student Press Law Center, there has been no ruling on whether a state constitution, with an affirmative right of free speech and press, protects the student media at private schools from censorship.


Muckracker who showed deplorable conditions in New York City through photographic epxoses. 

Who is Jacob Riis?


One technique to search if a phrase used by someone spreading suspected misinformation is true.

What is lateral reading?