Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Companion Animal practice vs Referral practice 

Companion Animal Practice - Majority of the vets are involved in treating family pets, especially dogs and cats. 

Referral Practice - Vets that have special expertise in one aspect of medicine. Might also be called a specialty practice. 


What are the body parts associated with these coming forms?

1. Encephal/o

2. Dactyl/o 

3. Gloss/o

1. Brain 

2. Digit, Toe 

3. Tongue 


What is the difference between aversion therapy and avoidance therapy?

Aversion therapy is associating a unpleasant stimulus with an object 

Avoidance therapy is associating an unpleasant stimulus with behavior 


If a dog or cat has a green tattoo, what does this indicate?

That the dog or cat has been spayed or neutered 


What is the dogs heart rate if you count 38 beats in 15 seconds? What is the dogs respiratory rate if you count 8 breaths in 10 seconds?

Heartrate is 152 bpm

Respiratory rate 48 rpm


Name the 5 different zoonotic hazards 

Rabies, Bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasitism, and biologics 


What surgical procedures are these suffixes used for?

1. -tomy 

2. -stomy 

3. -rraphy 

1. To incise or cut into (making an incision) 

2. To make a new artificial opening in a hollow organ 

3. To surgically repair by joining in a seam or by suturing together 


Name two examples of positive reinforcement and two examples of negative reinforcement 

Positive reinforcement

1. Giving treats when something is done right 

2. Giving praise when something is done right 

Negative reinforcement 

1. Withholding treats

2. Withholding affection


What are the 5 signs of inflammation?

Heat, Swlling, Pain, Redness, loss of function


List the correct order for the different gauge size catheters starting with the smallest size: 

22G, 18G, 26G, 24G, 20G

26G, 24G, 22G, 20G, 18G


Common Law Malpractice: 

What three elements must a plaintiff prove for malpractice to be subject to litigation?

1. The vet agreed to treat the patient 

2. The vet failed to exercise the necessary legal obligation of skill and diligence in treating the patient (negligence) 

3. The negligence caused injury to the patient 


What diseases or conditions are associated with these suffixes? 

1. - emesis 

2. -penia

3. -oma

1. Vomit

2. Deficiency or lack of 

3. Tumor 


What are the two best distraction techniques for cats and explain them 

Caveman pats - They can be rapid, slow and steady, or somewhere in the between pats on the head. The idea is to get the cat to concentrate on what you are doing and ignore the procedure. 

Puffs of air- Blowing or puffing air into a cats face is another way to redirect its interest


What is the causative agent, hosts, and mode of transmission for Toxoplasmosis?

1. Toxoplasma gondii 

2. Cats, rabbits, guinea pigs. 

3. Ingestion 


What is the normal heart rate range and respiratory rate range for dogs and cats?

Dogs: Normal heart rate 70-160 bpm, respiratory rate 8-20 breaths per minute. 

Cats: Normal heart rate 150-210 bpm, respiratory rate 8-30 breaths per minute. 


What is missing from this rabies certificate? 

Rabies tag number, what species it is, what size the patient is, the manufacturer, the vets name, and the address of the vet clinic. 


What are the definition of these terms?

1. Polyphagia 

2. Dysuria

3. Dolichocephalic 

1. Excessive eating

2. Painful urination 

3. Long head 


When would you use sternal recumbency?

For exams, blood collection from cephalic or jugular vein, IV injection, nail trimming, oral and ophthalmic medications, and some radiographs


What does DHPP stand for? is it a core vaccine? If a dog had distemper what are the common signs and symptoms?

D- Distemper 


P- Parvo virus 

P - Parainfluenza (different from influenza) 

Yes it is a core vaccine 

Signs and symptoms would be Fever, cough ocular and nasal discharge, ataxia (impaired coordination), vomiting, diarrhea 


What is included in the Integumentary part of the physical exam?

Hair/coat, nails, skin, alopecia, external parasites (fleas/ticks), wounds, lumps or bumps, hydration status


What is the term use for deficiency of white blood cells?



What term goes with this statement? 

The humerus is _____ to the radius 



Why do old dogs and pregnant dogs need to be handled differently then puppies and adult dogs?

Old dogs should be treated with more of a gentle touch because their joints can be arthritic. 

Pregnant dogs if too much pressure is put on their abdomen it can cause damage to abdominal organs


What are steps for inflammatory response?

1. Blood vessels respond to vascular injury by dilation. The diameter of the blood vessel widens. Allowing more blood flow to the affected area 

2. Increase in vascular permeability. The blood vessels allow protein to pass through vessel walls to the site of inflammation 

3. Exudation allows an influx of leukocytes (WBCs) and erythrocytes (RBCs) to the inflammatory site. (exudation is the act of oozing out)

4. Congestion of the blood vessels. Stasis (period of inactivity) or sludging (RBCs become attached to the walls of the blood vessels) of blood flow in the vessels from fluid loss by exudation. 


Name the 5 IM injection sites in dogs 

1. Trapezius

2. Epaxial 

3. Quadriceps

4. Hamstring 

5. Triceps