These peoples originated in the Bronze Age, practiced agriculture and stockbreeding, and horses and wagons were important for them.
Mention 3 examples of external language change factors.
Language contact, migration, prestige, and technology.
Name 3 branches of PIE.
Indo-iranian, Hellenic, Celtic, Italic, Balto-Slavic, Armenian, Germanic, Albanian, Tocharian, and Anatolian.
Which were the two categories of verbs?
Strong and weak
Mention 2 texts written in OE.
Beowulf / The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle / Caedmon’s Hymn
They were angular letters originally cut or scratched in wood and used mainly for inscriptions, names, charms, and the like.
What are internal language change factors?
Changes that occur within a language due to its own structural evolution rather than external influences.
PIE had voiced stops with a puff of air or aspiration. TRUE or FALSE?
The grammatical genders of PG were just masculine and feminine. TRUE or FALSE?
Name the phonetic process of OE in the following words: wulfos- wulf[v]as
Name 3 Germanic groups.
Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Lombards, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, Burgundians, Normans, etc.
In grimm's law, the voiced aspirated stops ‘’bh’’, ‘’dh’’ and ‘’gh’’ changed to the voiced stops: __ __ __
‘’b’’, ‘’d’’ and ‘’g’’
PIE was NOT an inflected language. TRUE or FALSE?
What tenses were in PG?
Present and past
Name the 4 phonetic processes during OE.
Voicing, palatalization, breakings, and fronting.
Name of the study of the relationships between two or more languages and the techniques used to discover ehteher they have a common ancestors.
Comparative linguistics
In grimm’s law, the voiced stops ‘’b’’, ‘’d’’ and ‘’g’’ changed to the voiceless stops: __ __ __
‘’p’’, ‘’t’’ and ‘’k’’
What were the grammatical genders of PIE?
Masculine, feminine and neuter.
PG had influence from Latin and Celtic. TRUE or FALSE?
Old English -lice, meant "in a ___ way" (like Modern English -ly). TRUE or FALSE?
What is a dual pronoun and which of the languages checked (PIE, PG,OE) had it?
A dual pronoun was a grammatical feature used to refer to exactly two people or things, distinct from singular and plural. PIE, PG and OE had it.
In grimm’s law , the voiceless stops ‘’p’’, ‘’t’’ and ‘’k’’ changed to the voiceless fricatives: __ __ __
‘’f’’, ‘’θ’’ and ‘’h’’
How many cases had PIE?
8 (Nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative, locative, and instrumental)
Which were the two sets of inflections for the adjectives?
Strong and weak
Name 3 special symbols in Old English.
æ (ash), þ (thorn), ð (eth), 3 (yogh), (wynn/wen), u, y, and 7 or & (ampersand).