Test 1
Test 2
Taxonomy and Dichotomous Key
Adaptation and Evolution
Population Ecology
The sphere which is characterized by all the living things on Earth

What is the biosphere?


This process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and uses sunlight to make energy in plants

What is photosynthesis?


True or False: a dichotomous key can be used to identify any animal or organism

What is false?


These are the three different types of adaptations animals can have.

What are behavioral, physiological, and structural adaptations?


This is the maximum potential for growth of a population under ideal conditions and unlimited resources.

What is intrinsic growth rate?

This type of data is characterized by the qualities and description of something which is gathered using the senses

What is qualitative data?

This process of the water cycle describes water seeping into the ground after it rains.

What is percolation?


This classification is the most inclusive.

What is domain?

This evidence of evolution shows small changes in organisms over time. The evidences are found as imprints in rocks.

What is the fossil record?

This type of selection describes animals which have a large number of offspring, low parenting support, and early maturity.

What is r-selected species?


This biome is characterized by very cold winters with average rain fall of 7-25 inches per year. It is located in the subarctic.

What is the boreal forest/taiga?

This type of heat energy transfer occurs through indirect contact.

What is convection?

This type of name is the typical name used for a animal. Ex. dog, dolphin, lion

What is the common name ?


This evidence of evolution shows how animals in different continents have similar decent.  

What is biogeography?


This type of survivorship curve describes k-selected species.

What is type 1 survivorship curve?
This biome is characterized by the presence of permafrost in the soil.
What is the tundra?

This process of the nitrogen cycle occurs when nitrates are taken in by the plant's roots.

What is assimilation?

The order of the classification system follows this order.

What is domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species?

Dumb King Philip Came Over For Green Spaghetti 


Migration is this type of adaptation.

What is behavioral adaptation?

This is the pioneer species of primary succession.

What are lichens?


This type of biome is characterized by changing leaf color with cool winters and mild summers. The average temperature ranges from -22F - 86F with yearly rainfall between 30-60 inches

What is the deciduous forest?


This process of the carbon cycle occurs when plants and animals release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

What is respiration?
These two classifications are used to make the binomial naming system.
What are genus and species?

This type of evidence of evolution uses the same structure in different animals to show relatedness.

What are homologous structures?


These are the two ways a population can change in number.

What are births/death and immigration/emigration