Bonus: Star Wars Trivia

Mahatma Ghandi read this iconic portion of the Mahabharata epic everyday and claimed it informed his non-violent ethic. It features the warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna discussing karma and dharma and presents Bhakti yoga (devotion) as an alternative to the paths of Karmic yoga (action), and Jnana yoga (wisdom).

What is the Bhagavad Gita?


Not to be confused with Anakin Skywalker's Togruta Padawan turned gray Jedi who now has her own mini-series, this Indian emperor lived from 304-232 BCE. After he brutally conquered the Kalinga tribe, he felt remorse and decided to promote Buddhism across India, sponsoring missionary excursions, and promoting inter-religious understanding.

Who was Ashoka?


This is a Sikh place of worship which houses the Guru Granth Sahib. Technically speaking, any place which houses a copy of the Guru Granth Sahib qualifies as this.

What is a gurdwara?


These are the fundamental techniques through which Sikhs overcome haumai and prepare themselves to receive the grace of Mukti.

What are Hard work, service (seva), and Meditation on the Divine Name.


This villain is Luke's father.

Who is Darth Vader?


Meaning "wandering through," this is a concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhi in which sentient beings are caught in an unsatisfactory cycle of life, death, rebirth, and redeath. In Hinduism, it is treated as the core human problem.

What is samsara?


Meaning "enlightened being," in Theravada, there is only one of this "Buddha-to-be." However, in Mahayana there are many of these figures, who are exemplars of compassion who vow to remain in the world to help other beings achieve enlightenment.

What are bodhisattvas?


This is the spiritual solution in Sikhi. It is spiritual liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, through union with the Formless One.

What is Mukti?


These are the fundamental techniques in Buddhism through which one may overcome dukkha and achieve nirvana.

What are meditation, chanting, visualization, and devotion?


This is the invisible power that binds the universe together.

What is the Force?


Translated as "freedom," this refers to spiritual liberation from samsara.

What is moksha?


Meaning "emptiness," this core Mahayana teaching holds that all things are interdependent and impermanent, that is empty of independent or essential nature.

What is shunyata?


Known as egotism, self-centeredness, pride; the "I, me, mine" in people, this is the fundamental problem Sikhi is trying to address.

What is haumai?


These are the techniques through which a Hindu works toward escaping samsara by reaching moksha.

What are the disciplines (yogas) of Karma (action), jnana (wisdom), and Bhakti (devotion)?


Luke Skywalker travels to this planet to finish his training with Master Yoda, though he leaves in the middle of it to help his friends escape Cloud City, which orbits Bespin.

What is Dagobah?


These texts are primarily philosophical dialogues between gurus and students that elaborate on the Vedas while teaching wisdom as a path to moksha.

What are the Upanishads?


Buddhist monks and nuns take this vow upon beginning their monastic life, in which they vow to take refuge in the Buddha (the Teacher), the Dharma (the Teachings), and the Sangha (the Community).

What are The Three Jewels?


Literally "remembering the name," this important technique in Sikhi is meditation on the divine name.

What is nam simran?


This is the Punjabi term for "meditation on the divine name."

What is nam simran?


Though originally slated to appear in the first Star Wars film, "A New Hope," Jabba the Hutt actually first appears in this film. However, George Lucas later added Jabba the Hutt back into "A New Hope."

What is "Return of the Jedi?"


This is the most powerful mantra and is employed at the beginning and end of many Hindu prayers and rituals. It is said to be able to create union with the divine simply through its utterance.

What is Om (or Aum)?


This most popular of bodhisattvas, who transformed from male to female over two thousand years, and is sometimes known to appear to devotees as either a woman or a man, is known as Guanyin in their Chinese female form. They are also known for their overflowing compassion.

Who is Avalokiteshvara?

This refers to service to the community, the key Sikh practice of selfless action.

What is seva?

This is the fundamental problem Buddhism is trying to address and is divided into three different types: dukkha dukkha, viparinama dukkha, and sankhara dukkha.

What is suffering?


Perhaps originally inspired by a hoax, in England and Wales, almost 400,000 people reported this to be their religion on the 2001 census, making it the fourth largest religion in the region, surpassing Sikhi, Judaism, and Buddhism. This turned into a global phenomenon and the religion is now officially recognized in some countries. Texas is even the home for a temple of this religion.

What is Jediism?