Can software ever really be bug free?
What is no?
What is Modularity?
What is a system that is broken down into smaller independent parts that can be tested separately but work together as a whole?
What is KISS?
what is keep it simple, stupid?
What is Git?
What is a version control system?
What are the APIs and Databases used in class?
What is FastAPI and MySQL?
What is Manual testing?
What is testing conducted by humans for expected behaviors?
Which architecture pattern uses different levels to divide subtasks into different amounts of abstraction?
What is Layered?
True or False: Does CRUD stand for Code, Render, Update, Destroy?
What is False?
What is GitHub?
What is a cloud-based platform for hosting Git repositories?
How does the select command work?
What is it retrieves data from one or more tables in a database?
Who performs Acceptance Testing?
What is the customer or end user?
What are 4 Architecture patterns?
What is MVC, Layered, Microservices, and Client-Server?
What does Yagni stand for?
What is You Aren't Going to Need It?
What is the difference between a local and a remote repository?
What is local is stored on the developer's computer and remote is stored on a server?
What is the Definition of an API?
What is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software to communicate with each other?
Name the types of tests in Software Testing.
What is Unit, Acceptance, Integration, Manual, and System Testing?
Which Architecture Pattern Organizes Large Web Applications?
What is MVC?
What is Technical Debt?
What is the cost of quick, suboptimal code implementations that require future refactoring, leading to increased maintenance effort over time?
Name the 4 main commands used in Git.
What is Push, Pull, Merge, and Commit?
What is a DBMS?
What is a software that enables the creation, manipulation, and management of databases?
What are the steps of the software testing life cycle?
What is Requirement analysis, Test planning, Test case design and development, Test environment setup, Test execution, Test cycle closure?
Which Architecture pattern has increased overhead because of back and forth communication?
What is Client-Server?
What was the Clean code principles quote by Uncle Bob?
What is “It is not the language that makes programs appear simple. It is the programmer that makes the language appear simple!”?
What is the command used to commit changes in Git?
What is git commit -m "message"?
What are all the commands in MySQL shown off in class?
What is Select, Join, Delete, Update, Primary Key, and Foreign Key?