Free Fall
Projectile Motion

This is represented by the slope of a d vs t graph

What is Velocity?


The rate of the acceleration due to gravity in which all objects fall on planet Earth

What is -9.81m/s^2?


Describe what happens to the acceleration in the x component of an object launched horizontally off of a cliff

What is stays constant?


Forces in equilibrium cause these types of motion

What are constant speed and/or no motion(at rest)


Compare the reading on a scale while you're in an elevator starting to accelerate upwards to an elevator at rest 

What is reads a larger force pushing upwards (normal force)?


Describe the motion of the following graph:

A flat line on a velocity vs time graph above the x-axis

What is having a positive constant speed/velocity?


A ball is thrown straight upwards with an initial velocity of 22 m/s. It reaches a height of 43 m above the ground then makes its return back to the thrower's hand. What is the velocity of the ball right before it reaches the thrower's hand?

What is -22 m/s?


Three factors the affect the range of a projectile 

What are Launch Angle, Launch Height, and Initial Velocity


A box is being pulled on each side by a rope. Side 1 pulls with a force of 40 N to the left. Side 2 pulls with a force of 50 N to the right. The box has a mass of 5 kg. Find the Acceleration.

What is 2 m/s^2?

Which object has the greatest inertia

-A 400 kg Tiger running 13m/s

-A 1000 kg car driving 3.8 m/s

-A 80 kg Usain Bolt running 14 m/s

What is a 1000 kg car driving 3.8m/s?


The slope of a line on a Velocity vs time graph represents what quantity?

What is acceleration?


The speed of an object at the top of its trajectory 

What is 0 m/s?


A Projectile is launched with an initial Speed of 36 m/s at an angle of 41 degrees. Find how much speed is just in the X direction

What is approximately 27.17 m/s?


A dog applies a force of 100 N on a rope held by its owner in a stalemate match of tug o war. Describe the magnitude of the force applied that is exerted by the owner.

What is 100 N?


Name 2 scalar quantities and 2 vector quantities

Examples are as following but not limited to

Scalar: Distance, mass, time, speed, etc

Vector: Velocity, Displacement, Force, Weight, etc


A spear is thrown with an initial velocity of 14 m/s at an angle. If its x component is 8 m/s. Find the angle it was thrown at.

What is 55.2 degrees?


Find the distance on object fell if it was dropped from rest and took 3.8 sec to hit the ground.

What is 70.8 m?


Two Part Question, both parts need to be correct in order to receive points. 

When a projectile is launched..

Which angle produces a max height 

Which angle produces a max range

What is 

90 degrees 

45 degrees


What direction does force of friction point on a free body diagram?

What is opposite of the direction of the motion?


What direction does normal force point?

What is perpendicular to the surface?


A graph has a linear line that passes through points (2,1), (4,2), and (6,3). If the Y axis represents force (net) and the X axis represents mass. Find the acceleration of the object.

What is 0.5 kg ?


Daily Double!!! Worth Double Points (3 min)

An arrow is shot straight into the air had a Vi= 22 m/s, find the time the arrow is in the air.

What is 4.49 seconds?

A ball is thrown at an angle of 46 degrees with an initial velocity of 22 m/s. It stayed in the air for 3.1 seconds. Find its Range

What is 47.4 m?


A box is being pulled to the right with a force of 15 N. If it has a mass of 2 kg and it accelerates at 2.5 m/s^2. Find the Force of Friction.

What is 10 N left or -10 N?


Mr Ferg has a mass of 76 kg. He went outside and slipped on some ice this morning while he was walking. If the force of friction between his shoe and the ice was 44 N. What was his Coefficient of friction.

What is 0.059 ?