Force and Motion
Work and Power
Electricity and Magnetism
If dropped from the same height which will hit first? A bowling ball or a tennis ball?
They will hit at the same time.
What are the six simple machines?
Pulley Lever Wheel and Axle Inclined Plane Screw Wedge
The combination of all kinetic energy and potential energy in a system
What is mechanical energy
This is the height of a wave
What is amplitude?
The build up of electric charge in an object that is released all at once.
What is static electricity
The sun is way larger than the earth. Why then are we effected by earth's gravity and not the sun's?
We are closer to the earth
You lift a box off the ground and then carry it across the room. Which part of that is "doing work" and why
Lifting the box because the movement of the object and force being applied are in the dame direction
When riding a roller coaster where would you have maximum kinetic energy?
At the bottom of the first hill
The apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to motion of either the source or the listener
What is the Doppler Effect
What happens when you cut a magnet in half
you get two, smaller, weaker, magnets
When will a ping pong ball have more momentum than a bowling ball?
When the ping pong ball is traveling at extremely fast speeds
This is the amount of times a machine multiplies the amount of work done on an object
What is the mechanical advantage
Batteries use this kind of energy
What is Chemical Energy
Which has a longer wavelength, Microwaves or Xrays
Describe how to make an electromagnet
a battery a wire and an iron core. Once the battery is connected a magnetic field will be created around the wires
Match each of the following to Newton's three laws of motion: Equal and Opposite Reactions Inertia Force=MassxAcceleration
3rd Law = Equal and Opposite Reactions 1st Law = Inertia 2nd Law = Force=MassxAcceleration
Why is no machine ever 100% efficient
Some of the energy is always used to overcome friction
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy
If the distance between two waves decreases what happens to the frequency of a wave
It increases
Objects do not touch (one is charged, one is neutral) Proximity of the charged object causes (induces) the charges in the neutral object to separate.
What is charging by induction
In a VT graph what does a flat line mean? In a DT graph?
VT - Constant Speed DT - No Motion
Why does an inclined plane make work easier?
It increases the distance over which the force is applied
List the energy conversions that take place in charging your phone and then using it to watch a video on youtube
Electrical -> Chemical -> Electrical -> Light, Sound, Thermal
If a wave has a high pitch what can you tell me about its wavelength, frequency, and energy?
It will have a short wavelength, high frequency, and high energy
"A current carry wire can cause magnets to move, and moving magnets can cause a wire to carry a current" Which part of this phrase is describing an Electric Motor and which is describing an Electric Generator
Electric Motor - A current carry wire can cause magnets to move Generator - Moving magnets can cause a wire to carry a current"