War war war

I ran a successful relief program in WWI! Unfortunately, I'm most known for the shantytowns that were named after me during my administration...

Herbert Hoover


"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair remains as one of the most influential pieces of muckraker literature. What two acts were passed in response to it?

Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act


What happened to the USS Maine???

Exploded in Havana harbor

What was the name of the immigrant processing facility in New York City harbor?

Ellis Island


The Great Migration was when African Americans moved from the __________ to the __________.

South, north


I was the first modern president. I promised the American people a fair treatment through my Square Deal and 3 C's

Teddy Roosevelt


Teddy Roosevelt was the "trust-buster" president. Which act did he use to break up JP Morgan's Northern Securities railroad trust?

Sherman Antitrust Act


Imperialism was a significant factor in the beginning of which two wars?

Spanish American war and WWI


The 21st amendment was ratified in December of 1933. How many years was prohibition in effect in the US?

14 years (Jan 1919-Dec 1933)


Eugene Debs and Samuel Gompers are famous for their involvement in what movement?

Labor movement (unions, strikes, etc.)


I'm the lesser-known Progressive president. My Dollar Diplomacy used economics to negotiate with other nations.

William Howard Taft


What was the significance of the Plessy v. Ferguson case?

Allowed states to pass segregation laws, starting the Jim Crow era


The Spanish American war was significantly influenced by yellow journalism. What were the names of the two biggest newspaper tycoons?

(hint: Ms. Cotner would like to buy one of their castles someday)

William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer


Which famous non-interventionist is best known for writing "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?

Mark Twain

The Exodusters migrated from the south to Kansas. Which gentleman from Nashville led this migration?

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton


I was a progressive president from 1913-1921. My agenda focused on banking reform, tax reform, conservation of environment, and attacking trusts and monopolies. I also used America's moral beliefs to negotiate with other nations.

Woodrow Wilson


What do initiative, referendum, and recall have in common?

They gave power to the voters


What were the MAIN causes of WWI?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism


Which female writer exposed the horrors in the south during Jim Crow, including lynchings?

Ida B. Wells


Teddy Roosevelt used his Roosevelt Corollary to keep Europe out of Latin America. Because of that, he was able to build something really cool to help move commercial and naval ships in Central America! What was it?

Panama Canal


The 1876 election between Hayes and Tilden was close. As a compromise, Hayes was given the presidency and union troops moved out of the south. This Compromise of 1877 ended what era?


The 19th Amendment was passed in August of 1920. What does the term "Perfect 36" have to do with this amendment?

36 states were needed to ratify. Tennessee was the last state that voted and gave women the right to vote!


What was the organization of countries formed to keep peace around the world after WWI?

League of Nations


Bootlegging and organized crime greatly increased under Prohibition. Who was the most infamous mobster of the time from Chicago?

Al Capone


I seem to keep showing up in history. I ran for president several times, was a prosecutor in the Scopes Trial, and am known for my famous "Cross of Gold" speech.

William Jennings Bryan