During the early Roman era, Jews lived in organized, autonomous communities and were recognized as _____.
A legal religion (Religio Licita)
What is the term that refers to the idea of the three cultures living together in relative peace and harmony?
What happens in 1066 that marks a turning point in Sephardic life in Al-Andalus?
The Granada Pogrom
What is the term for converts to Christianity that were suspected of continuing to practice Judaism?
What institution provided "evidence" of the problem of Crypto-Jews?
The Inquisition
What was the Council that in the 4th century, issued canonic decisions designed to ostracize the Jews from the Christian community, (including barring Jews and Christians from sharing meals)?
The Council of Elvira
In what year did the Arabs invade the south of Spain, beginning the period known as Al-Andalus?
By the 12th century, the majority of Jews live in Christian kingdoms due to the fundamentalist Berber invasions and the _____.
The Reconquista
What were the two biggest impacts of the Pogroms of 1391?
2. Much stricter laws designed to isolate the Jewish community
What document published in March of 1492 declared that Jews had 4 months to leave the territory?
The Alhambra Decree
The Biblical location mentioned in the Book of Obadiah
Who was the vizier of Granada, the nagid (head of Jewish community), and the head of the Muslim army?
Samuel Ibn Nagrela (993-1056)
What were the two most important professions of Jews in the Christian kingdoms and why?
Physicians: Catholics related disease with sin, whereas Jews viewed health as part of religious practice.
Money lenders/Tax Farmers: Christians were barred from charging each other interest rates.
Who was the first Grand Inquisitor in 1483 who established the protocols and methods of procedure for the Inquisition?
What blood libel trial in 1491 served as a reason for the expulsion?
El Niño de la Guardia
King Sisebut (612-621) was the first to order the ____ of the Jews in the Iberian Peninsula.
Forced conversion (baptism).
In what cannonical text by Maimonides systematically organizes all Jewish law, including biblical commandments, Talmudic discussions, and rabbinic rulings, into a clear and structured format?
Mishneh Torah
Servi Regis (property of the King)
What were the Blood Statues?
Municipal laws that require an exhaustive investigation to demonstrate that they does not have any Jewish ancestor and therefore that their blood is not "infected", to apply for certain public professions
What were three countries that expelled Jews went to?
North Africa
Ottoman Empire
Give 3 sources of evidence of Jewish life during the first centuries of Roman Hispania
Epistolary of St. Paul 50 ACE: Proselytize in Roman Hispania Jewish population
Synagogue Basilica of Elche: Existed from the 1st century, 4th century renovated → Mosaic of a menorah
Tombstone of Jewish girl: From Adra, est. 3rd century ACE for “Iudaea”
Trilingual Basin from Tarragona: 5th century with Hebrew text
What were three reasons that Sephardic poetry of the Golden Age was innovative?
Revolution in poetic purpose; entertainment, amusement, self-expression
Adaptation of Arab themes, grammar, metrics to Hebrew
Skillful interlacing of philosophical and scientific concepts
Writing in first-person
Secular poetry performed in Court
What were the organized juridical and administrative institutions for the Jewish communities?
During the Inquisition, Inquisitors first would arrive to a town and issue public sermon and declare _____ (a period of 30-40 days in which people could come forward to confess for a lighter punishment)?
What were four reasons for the Expulsion?
Protect Christians from Judaizers (false conversos)
Amassing political power
Influence of Torquemada on the monarchs
Religious unification following reconquest of Granada
Popular anti-Semitism, appeasing “old Christian” nobles
Justification of the Inquisition
Potential economic motives