Types of Government
French Estates
French Revolution
The Age of Enlightenment

Liberties and privileges are guaranteed to each citizen.



A form of democracy where all people are able to participate in the decision making process. 

What is DIRECT Democracy?


The clergy formed part of this estate

What is the first estate?


This leader decided to call the General Estate in order to race taxes, not knowing this would be the beginning of the end of his reign.  

Who is King Louis XVI?


He wrote that all individuals are equal because they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. That is, rights that are God-given and can never be taken or given away. 

Who is John Locke?


Government roles are divided among different branches, with no one branch holding more power than the other. The USA has this type of system. 

What is separation of powers?


A type of democracy where officials are elected by the people to represent their best interests. 

What is Representative Democracy?

The following formed part of this estate:

- Bourgeoisie

- Merchants

- city workers

- Peasants

What is the third estate?


The members of the this Estate took revolutionary action because they had fewer rights, owned less land and paid more taxes than the wealthier members of the French population.

What is the third Estate? 


This Philosopher introduced the idea of separation of powers due to his belief that all men are corrupted by power. Therefore the power to make decisions should lie in different branches with no one branch having more power than the other. 

Who is Montesquieu? 


The theory that a King gets his right to rule directly from God. 

What is Divine Right?


A form of monarchy in which the monarch holds supreme authority, unrestricted by laws or the will of the people.  

What is absolutism (absolute monarchy)? 


The wealthy landowning nobility were part of this estate. 

What is the second estate?


Peasants storm a French prison which marks the beginning of French Revolution 

What is the Storming of Bastille? 


The Declaration of the Rights of men contains many intellectual ideas from the ___________ period.

What is Enlightenment period? 


The national government and state governments share power.

What is Federalism?


A system of government in which a monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized government.The monarch exercises authority in accordance with a written or unwritten constitution.

What is constitutional monarchy?


These estates DID NOT have to pay taxes. 

What are the first and second estate. 


During this time frame of the French Revolution, violence was used to crush suspected enemies of the Revolution. Many people were executed during this time.

What is the Reign of Terror? 


The idea that people form a contract with their government. The people give their government the power to rule in exchange for protection of their natural rights. If the government misuses its power then the people can replace/overthrow that government. 

(You need the Philosopher & what this idea is called)

What is Locke's social contract?


The government gets its authority from the people and reflects their will.

What is popular sovereignty? 


A ruler who has absolute power and authority, and often uses that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.

What is a Tyrant? 

During the Tennis Court Oath, this estate sworn to create a new constitution that would give them more rights and limit the King's power. They formed the National Assembly in 1789. 

What is the Third Estate?


In 1789 The National Assembly created a document that gave power to the third estate. This marked the end of absolute monarchy and moved France into a constitutional monarchy. 

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Men and the Citizen


French and American revolutionaries believed in the natural rights of men however it did not seem to apply to all people. Explain why.

-Slavery in the colonies of the French

- Slavery in the American Colonies

- Women