The first ever "official" form of sign language in the world.
What is: French Sign Language
A teacher who vowed to travel the world in search of the best methods to teach his deaf neighbor; he eventually wound up in France at a famous deaf school.
Who is: Thomas Gallaudet
This part of "speech" almost always comes at the end of an ASL sentence.
What is: the Verb
This is the number associated with how many Parameters there are within a single sign.
What is: 5 (parameters of a sign)
The first ever School for the Deaf in the entire world was located in this city and state.
(city and state needed)
What is: Paris, France
Back before the 1800s, what is one of the failed attempts to cure deafness.
(only one answer needed)
What is:(any of the following)
- Force feeding random pills
- Pouring animal blood in ears
- Holistic / Herbal methods
The deaf French teacher who traveled to America to aid in setting up a School for the Deaf.
Who is: Laurent Clerc
If present in an ASL sentence, this part of "speech" always comes at the very beginning.
What is: the Tense
The year in which American Sign Language was officially recognized as an acceptable form of communication for the deaf.
What is: the year 1817
A specific method of teaching the deaf that includes, reading, writing, and speaking.
What is: the Oralist Method
The Greek philosopher who began the 2,000+ year stereotype claiming deaf people could not learn.
Who is: Aristotle
The headmaster of a school in France who convinced one of his teachers to travel to America and help set up an education system for the deaf.
Who is: Jean Massieu
This language function is not a Parameter, but equally important to grammar, as it denotes how many hands you will use to sign a word.
What is: the Condition
American Sign Language most closely resembles this spoken language.
What is: French
A specific method of teaching the deaf that includes, reading, writing, and signing.
What is: the Manualist Method
The reason why Martha's Vineyard had such a high population of deafness.
What is: a defective gene passed down due to incest.
The teacher who eventually disproved Aristotle's claims that deaf people were incapable of learning.
Who is: Abbe d'Leppe
This type of grammar function doesn't have anything to do with signing at all, rather, how the eyes, face, or body is held during sign production.
What are: Non-Manual Markers
The term associated with a person who is part of a "little d deaf" view on deafness, is ashamed of being deaf, and yearns to be viewed as hearing.
What is: Pathologically deaf (Medically deaf)
One of the names of the first ever School for the Deaf in America.
What is: the American School for the Deaf
The reason why early Hominids most likely used a manual form of communication.
What is: A Larynx incapable of producing speech.
The two Spanish priests who aided in disproving the notion that deaf people could not learn.
(must say both names)
Who are: (both)
- Pedro Ponce De Leon
- Juan Pablo Bonnet
For these two specific types of questions, your eyebrows must be raised during sign production.
(two answers needed)
What are: (both)
- Rhetorical Questions
- Yes / No Questions
The 3 "languages" that merged together and eventually formed the ASL we know and love today.
(all 3 needed)
What is: (all 3)
- Written English
- French Sign Language
- Martha's Vineyard Sign
The name of the first person appointed President of the first ever College for the Deaf in the world.