Religious Terms
Other Stuff
Church and State
This angel appears in three major religious texts and is a specific messenger in the Qu'ran.
Who is Gabriel. Appears to Muhammad upon his religious mount retreat and reoccurs to deliver him messages.
These "sections" in the Islamic religious text represents Muhammad's statements or actions.
What are the Hadiths.
Kalima, Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting, and Pilgrimage are considered this. (Term and religion needed)
What are the five pillars of Islam
The Roman republic faced troubles due to corruption and mismanagement in this branch of their government.
What is the Senate. Their control of treasury (public projects and military expenditures) combined with the fact that senators served for life.
This term defines the dual rule as ruler of country and church, exhibited by both Constantine and Ibn Marwan.
What is Caesaropapism.
He assumed the title of Khalifa Allah (deputy of God) after Ali was assassinated.
Who is Mu'awiya. After the Kharijites assassinate Ali.
The mystical branch of Islam, associated with the whirling dervishes and the poet Jalal-al Din Rumi.
What is Sufi.
This ancient Indus valley culture would continue to influence the Gupta empire, and would even experience a type of resurgence under the Gupta's to create a sense of spiritual prestige.
What is Vedic culture/peoples/beliefs.
This symbol represented the power strength and cruelty which the Roman state employed among its fellow states and represented in its gladiatorial games.
What is the symbol of Fasces (root of what will be known as Fascism).
Before Islam's rise, the Arabian area was run by these nomadic groups with their own system of cultural, political, and polytheistic religious beliefs.
What is Bedouin Tribalism.
The key spiritual leader after the death of Jesus in the Gnostic Gospels
Who is Mary Magdalene. She represents the esoteric or "specialized" and secret teachings associated with the Gnostic gospels.
The discovery of the Gospel of Thomas, and Judas is associated with this term: representing the Egyptian city that they were found in.
What is Nag Hammadi. These are the revelations of the Gnostic gospels.
Which bear is best?
False. Black Bear.
The term given to large estates run by Roman nobles, which would leave peasants landless and angry and therefore likely to join the ranks of private armies under men such as Caesar and Crassus.
What is Latifundias. These will be broken down under Caesar's rule and redistributed back to his soldiers.
Despite being Hindu themselves, the Gupta rulers exhibited a strong system of this: as seen in the diversity within their own court, and their movement of the capital to Pataliputra.
What is religious tolerance.
In "The Acts of the Apostles" this character helps display the Roman state's strict adherence to the laws, and is shown to use these to help further spread the teachings of Jesus.
Who is Paul. His vague wordings will later be interpreted in other ways to better strengthen other cultural traditions within the Christian religion.
This action of wealth distribution to a specific peoples under the Umayyad caliphate would create heavy social tensions between Arab Muslims and Mawalis (non-Arabs).
What is the Diwan registry. The distribution of new wealth only to Arabian muslims and not all followers.
This Bedouin tribal judicial leader would regard the intrinsic sense of what is fair and just (hilm) and must hold a proud charisma and strength to protect tribe from outsiders (jahl).
What is the Sheikh.
This city holds multiple important religious heritage sites, including the Dome of the Rock.
What is Jerusalem. Built under the rule of Umayyad and the newly established "orthodox" Sunni government.
These three cities would become sprawling metropolitan caliphates during the 9th and 10th centuries.
What are Cordoba (Spain), Baghdad, and Cairo.
Daily Double!
Who is Taraka!
Muhammad's considers his teachings this "term", meaning the final word/stamp of prophesy to revive the world of ethical monotheism that he believed was lost.
What is "The Seal of the Prophets"
"This" runs, yet has no legs.
What is my watch!
This administration in Rome helped decide what religions and cults would be sanctioned and what would not. The emperor sat as the head of the rulings.
What is the College of Pontiffs. Remember Augustus dubbing himself Pontifus Maximus.
Under the Sunni orthodox rule, these men were religious scholars that were separate from the clergy.
Who are Ulamas. They were part of 2 key factors to help form a religious authority along with the Qadis, or judges who arbitrated according to their interpretation of Sharia Law. Ulamas also represent a key example of Islam's intellectual mission.