Quality Writing
This is the holy book of Islam
What is the Quran
This ruler was the richest man in history. He went on a hajj and gave out money along the way.
Who is Mansa Musa.
This person protected the emperor.
Who is a samurai
Name the 3 main Chinese philosophies.
What are legalism, confucianism, and daoism.
This statement is one sentence that tells the argument of a paper.
What is the thesis
This is the holy city of Islam.
What is Mecca.
These people were storytellers of a community. They passed down morals, values, and history through an oral tradition.
What are griots.
This position was the military general. He maintained a strong army and protected the empire.
What is the shogun.
This city was called "Million People's City." There was a large population and it was also the center of culture, commerce, and politics during Tang China.
What is Chang'an
Every paragraph should have a topic sentence, evidence, elaboration, and...
What is a concluding sentence!
This was a place for Muslim and non-Muslim scholars to translate works into Arabic.
What is the house of Wisdom
Name the four main climates of Africa. Describe them.
What is 1. Chaparral- shrubby, mild winters, hot summers. 2. Rain forest- more than 70 in or rain per year. 3- Desert- less than 10 in of rain per year 4. Savanna- Vast grasslands
This economic, political, and social concept deals with people working on land in return for protection and life essentials. The owners received loyalty and labor.
What is feudalism.
This philosophy/"rule" dictates whether or not a ruler and/or dynasty is fit to rule China. This can be lost if the ruler is not moral or makes bad decisions.
What is Mandate of Heaven.
A quality BCR/identification of a term includes not only the definition, but also...
What is the importance/significance
This group of Muslims believe the leader of Islam should be a direct descendant of Muhammad.
Who are the Shia
The Wangaran people traded for salt with people of this region.
What is northern Africa
This law ended the practice of moving capitals after each emperor's death. Because of this, the empire was more efficient and centralized.
What is the Yoro Code.
In this process, you had to pass a test of Confucian ideals and Chinese history. The test was to become a government official.
What is the Imperial Exam.
What is the structure of a quality essay? (ex. topic sentence)
What is hook, intro, thesis, topic sentence, evidence and elaboration, concluding sentence, restate thesis, conclusion.
These are the 5 pillars of Islam. Describe them.
What is Hajj-Pilgrimage to Mecca Shahada- Profession of faith Salat- Pray 5x/day Sawm- Ramadan Zakat- Alms giving
Describe the salt and gold trade and its importance. Paragraph! Go!
What is salt and gold were traded. Salt was needed to maintain a functioning body, preserve food, flavor food, etc. Gold was used for coins, decoration and adornment. Ghana was in between two regions that needed salt or gold. Ghana placed a tax on all imports and exports. This made the kingdom and king wealthy.
This "sort of religion" does not have shrines, idols, and is indigenous to Japan.
What is Shinto.
These are the 4 main technological advancements during Song China.
What is gunpowder, compass, printing, paper-making.
Write a quality thesis statement on the significance of Confucianism.
What is Confucianism is an influential Chinese philosophy that deals with the 5 relationships, respect, and morals.