You must use a chart to determine what enrollments can be done for these group of benes
What is Dual FFs
File this complaint when an inappropriate OI is preventing me from getting services
Prob obt services
Which is worse a violation or an incident?
How many minutes late can you be to work without gaining points?
I can't enroll into a MHP because I'm 65 due to this program
What is HMP
File this complaint when its been more than 15 days since an address update
County code
You don't have to verify me if the bene gives you their case number or MA ID number and all other required fields
What is phone number
SOM Email
This program is only for select counties
File this complaint when I have issues with Modivcare
Transportation complaint
I'm a number that can be used to verify PHI for more than one person
Case number
How many minutes can I go into my break or lunch early?
This program has been disbanded for a year now
What is michild
File this complaint when my ICO plan data doesn't match with TPL
MI Health Link ended inappropriately
You cannot substitute me for anything when collecting HIPPA
I can find out who my buddy lead is by checking what
Buddy lead list
This paid program is for people with medicaid and medicare only
File this complaint when CHAMPS shows mandatory and Maxeb shows excluded
ENR issue #4
If you can't verify an address in MAXeb use me!
If you don't use me for a year you'll have more than a hundred of me
RTO hours