Who are people that leave their country for better economic opportunities?
When the United States pledged to increase the number of refugees it would accept annually, the amount went from _____ to _____.
70,000 to 100,000.
What is the top country of origin for refugees?
Also, refugees are those who are _______.
fleeing war zones.
More than 6 million Syrians are _____.
internally displaced.
Who are people that leave their country due to a "well founded fear" of persecution?
How many Syrian refugees has Turkey taken in?
1.9 million
What country is with most IDP's?
1 in 4 refugees worldwide are _____.
About 10 million Syrians are ______.
not displaced.
What is a Internally Displaced Person (IDP)?
A refugee who is unable to cross international borders.
How many refugees are displaced within Syria?
7.9 million
What is the top host country for Refugees?
87% of Syrian refugees live in _______.
Syria's neighboring countries.
What are Migrants?
people who leave their country for better economic opportunities.
Who does asylum apply to?
Those who meet the legal status of a refugee.
How many Syrian refugees has Lebanon taken in?
1.1 million
What country received the most asylum applications in 2016?
More than half of all Syrians have _____.
left their homes.
What are Refugees?
people who leave their country due to a "well founded fear" of persecution.
When do people legally apply to be refugees?
When outside of a nation they want to immigrate to.
The entire EU had less than ______ Syrian asylum applications.
At the end of 2016, how many people had been forcibly displaced from their homes?
65.6 million.
Nearly 6 million Syrians _______.
fled the country.
Which country is the only country that does not start with an S out of the top 5 countries of origin for refugees?