Family & Friends
Interests & Hobbies
Fun Facts

Jew know this friend hits every stereotype of his religion

Who is Will Berlin


After a long day of beer die, Michael and the Chi Phi boys liked to wind down with this video game

What is Mario Party


Michael was very excited to draft his favorite NFL player the first time he played fantasy football that despite it being unorthodox, he would voluntarily take this quarterback with the #1 pick

Who is Peyton Manning


Unless he used his Mii, Michael always used this character to destroy Liv in Mario Kart

Who is Luigi


Liv loved this gift Michael got her so much that she bought him his own

What is custom paint by numbers


The only college represented twice on Grandma's flagpole

What is Clemson


Sometimes, Michael refers to himself as this fictional chef after cooking a Michelin Star meal

Who is Chef Gabriel

Annenberg students had mixed reviews when they saw Michael writing his show notes on these

What are manila folders


Michael told his LCR Professor this meal that he has made before is his favorite food

What is chicken parm


Michael always wears this top to cheer on his Trojans, but might need to switch it up since it doesn't suit the Syracuse weather

What is USC Hawaiian Shirt


Michael lived with this person in his first and last year at USC

Who is Eric


Michael loves a long ride on the stationary bike, this is the furthest he ever rode

What is a marathon


Along with swimming, Michael was also a member of this team in high school

What is golf


Michael's dad has many Rolexes, but Michael's favorite is the one named after this popular drink

What is Pepsi


Michael recently found the original copy of his first grade painting inspired by this famous artist

Who is Picasso


This cousin was born 5 months after Michael, so he is forced to use his middle name when they are together

Who is Michael David


Michael changed his Chi Phi league fantasy team name to this, but after a slow start to the season, he says it may be "closing its doors"

What is Gonzalo's Taqueria


Michael tossed around the pigskin with this NFL quarterback

Who is Caleb Williams


Michael's favorite F1 driver who races for Mercedes

Who is George Russell


This was the one article of clothing Michael received while working at Fox

What are socks


The name of the town my mom grew up in, and where Grandpa D still lives

What is Nutley


While working at Fox, Michael recently got back into occasionally watching this sport on Mondays and Fridays

What is WWE


Michael worked for this boss over COVID, whose name would suggest he loves an occasional cigarette

Who is John Tobacco


In 2020, Michael had a valid excuse to change his favorite NFL team to this team in order to boycott the Jets, of course, the Jets just so happened to get their first win of the season against this team

What are the LA Rams


A painting of this NBA Player hung in Michael's room since winning the championship in 2011

Who is Dirk Nowitzki