Where is Ms. Bet's classroom?
Which time does Mike wake up in the morning?
5:00 am
Who does Mike hate the most?
Mike is lonely.
How many friends does Mike have?
I am rich, I have a son, I am male. Who am I?
Mike's dad.
Who is Ms. Bet's?
She was Mike's 2nd grade teacher.
Which time does Mike go to school?
7:30 am
Who does Mike like?
Mike is a single child.
How many siblings does Mike have?
I hate Mike, I'm popular, I'm loud. Who am I?
Where is the school located?
256 Washington DC at Rambam neighborhood.
When does Mike's class start?
What is Mike's favorite color?
Mike doesn't have a favorite color.
What did Mike get on his exam?
I'm a great cook, I have a special soup, I have a son. Who am I?
Mike's mom.
Where does Mike live?
245 Washington at Rambam neighborhood.
How long does it take Mike to get ready?
What is the name of Mike's mom's special soup?
Spicey Soupy.
No, he was quiet.
Was Mike loud?
Mike likes me, I am pretty, I am very rich. Who am I?
What is Mike's full name?
Mike Hartshorn.
When does Mike start to walk back home?
10:00 pm
What's Mike's dad's and mom's job?
A scientist for dad & doctor for mom.
Yes, Mike loved his neighborhood.
Did Mike like his neighborhood?
Mr. Thomas likes me, his class is next to mine, I was Mike's 2nd grade teacher. Who am I?
Ms. Bet