Cinema Quotes
July 7th History
Fantasy Books
60s and 70s Tv Classics
Miscellaneous Mike

This cult classic film features this monologue: "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." 

What is the Princess Bride? 


On July 7th, 1865, the four co-conspirators in this US president's assassination were hung. 

Who is Abraham Lincoln? 


This series follows a young boy with a lightning bolt scar. 

What is "Harry Potter"?


This cartoon followed a family in the Stone Age. 

What is "The Flinstones?" 


These two cities are the start and end of a road bike race that Mike has done twice. 

What are Seattle and Portland? 


This Christmas classic features many famous lines such as, "Naddafinga" and "Frag-ee-ley. Must be Italian." 

What is "A Christmas Story"?


On July 7th, 1981, Ronald Regan nominated this Supreme Court Justice. 

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor? 


An English linguist wrote this series. Since his death, his son has gone on to turn some of his other writings into books like "The Silmarillion." 

What is "Lord of the Rings"?


The family of this cartoon is made up of George, Elroy, Judy, and Jane. 

What is "The Jetsons"?


This trail is 2,650 miles in length and is on Mike's bucket list of hiking adventures. 

What is the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)? 


This quote "Do or do not. There is no try." is said by the following character in this movie series that started in 1977. 

Who is Yoda? 

What is "Star Wars"?


On July 7th, 1944, the largest Banzai charge in the Pacific war took place in this battle. 

What is the Battle of Saipan? 


This classic children's series was written by C.S Lewis in the 50s. 

What is "The Chronicles of Narnia"?


Name the show based on this quote from the theme song: "They were four men living all together. Yet they were all alone." 

What is "The Brady Bunch"?


If this step in sourdough making is skipped, Mike's bread will be dense and lack flavor. 

What is proofing? 


This British comedy group is responsible for the line "two flats and a packet of gravel" in this one of their films. 

What is Monty Python? 

What is "Life of Brian"?


On July 7th, 1777, the Battle of Hubbardton occurred at this fort during the Revolutionary War. 

What is Fort Ticonderoga? 


This book series follows 2 main characters: Shea Ohmsford and Prince Balinor Buckhannah

What is "Sword of Shannara"?


This show gave Alan Alda his big break. 

What is "M.A.S.H"?


This submarine (#731) takes its name from a US state. It was also Mike's first submarine tour. 

What is the USS Alabama? 


Name the characters to complete this quote from this Christmas movie: "Why is the floor all wet ____? I don't know ______." 

Who are Todd and Margo? 

What is "Christmas Vacation"?


Daily Double! 

On July 7th, 1928, this product was sold for the first time at the Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri. 

What is sliced bread? 


This 14 book series was written by Robert Jordan and became an Amazon tv series in 2021. 

What is "The Wheel of Time"?


The characters of this show included a Wall Street millionaire and his wife, a Hollywood movie star, a professor, and a farm girl. 

What is "Gilligans Island?" 


Daily Double! 

This term is used in two of Mike's favorite hobbies: woodworking and baking. 

What is lamintation?