A reaction that releases heat is called what?
An exothermic reaction.
When two or more atoms are joined together chemically
What is Molecule
Is the water is a saltwater solution the solute or the solvent?
What is solvent?
---------- is known as the universal solvent
What is Water
What is cross-linking?
What reaction has reactants have more energy than products?
What is Exothermic?
Name the two types of change
What are Physical and Chemical
Endothermic Reaction
A substance formed by chemically combining two or more atoms of different elements is known as
What is Compound
What type of reaction is this:
A + AB ----> AB
Giving off heat or light is a clue that this type of a change is occuring.
What is a chemical change?
Water is made of these two elements?
What is hydrogen and oxygen?
What are the four variables that affect reaction rate?
What is Concentration, Surface Area, Temperature, and Catalysts?
How does increasing temperature affect the movement of molecules?
What is molecules move faster?
What term refers to anything that occupies space, physical and chemical properties and exists in gas, liquid or solid form
What is Matter
All matter exists in three forms solid, liquid and
What is Gas
The elements can be found on the right side of the periodic table of the elements.
What are noble gasses?
There are this number of elements on the periodic table of the elements.
What is 118?
Only products that contain --------- can have a PH
What is Water
What is an albalone shell made of?
What is chalk (calcium carbonate?)
Science that deals with composition, structure, and properties of matter
What is Chemistry
Elements represent unique forms of these little thingies. The building blocks of everything!
What are atoms.
When one chemical changes its state of matter, the change is called
What is Physical Change
The atomic number tells us this.
What is the number of protons?
There are this many periods on the periodic table of the elements.
What is seven?
What has more tensile strength, spider silk, kevlar, or steel?
What is spider silk?
ice is an example of a
What is Solid
Substance that contains space and mass
What is Matter
This is the smallest type of atom.
What is Hydrogen.
What type of change occurs when ice melts to water
What is Physical
What type of reaction is this?
AB -----> A + B
What is Decomposition?
Substance that act as a bridge for oil and water to mix is
What is Surfactant
What elements are steel made of?
What is C and Fe?
Water is an example of
What is Liquid
Curling hair with a curling iron would be considered what type of change
What is Physical
Atoms bond together to form these.
What are molecules?
When a substance gains oxygen, the substance is
What is Oxidized
What type of reaction is this?
CxHy + O2 ----> CO2 + H2O
What is combustion?
What is the strongest intermolecular force?
What is Hydrogen Bonding?
What lowers activation energy in a reaction?
What is a catalyst?
Neon and Argon are examples of
What are Gases
Giving a client a perm would be considered what type of change
What is Chemical