Personal Hygiene
Professional Image
Hygiene pack
The impression you project through both your outward appearance and your conduct in the workplace is .....................
What is professional image

It is most important to consider one's ________ and _______ when choosing what to wear to work.

What is body type; shape

An applied science concerned with designing and arranging things that people use to help those people and things interact most efficiently and safely is knowns as _____________

What is ergonomics

As you work, your neck should be .............................
What is elongated and balanced above the shoulders
Your shoulders should be relaxed and ................. when you are providing client services.
What is level
Cosmetologists need to understand the importance of their professional image in order to________.

what is avoid the consequences for not maintaining a professional image; loss of clients; poor reputation

 Salons establish dress code guidelines to create a salon culture, help protect stylists' clothing when working with chemicals, and ensure that their stylist__________.

What is dressed for success.

Repetitive motions have a cumulative effect on the muscles and ..........................
What is joints
As a professional cosmetologist, you should brush and floss your teeth and use .................. throughout the day as needed.
What is mouthwash
Which of these items should be kept in your hygiene pack? a. lipstick b. toothbrush c. teeth whitener d. gum
What is toothbrush
The daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits is ..............................
What is personal hygiene

The most important point to keep in mind about makeup is that it should  _________ your best features and _________ your less flattering ones.

What is accentuate; mask


To prevent injury on the job, consider breaking up the repetitiveness of motions used by________.

What is performing regular stretching exercises.

Ensure you are dressed for success by tuning in to .................................
What is the salon's culture
Your shoes should have a low heel and ...............................
What is offer good arch support

A cosmetologist smokes while on breaks. What would be considered good practice for her before attending to a client?

What is brush her teeth, use mouthwash, and wash her hands.


Your physical presentation consists of your posture and  walk and should convey and image of_____________.

What is Confidence

As you work, your wrists should be kept in a ....................... as much as possible.
What is straight or neutral position
An awareness of your posture and ......................., coupled with good work habits, proper tools and equipment, will enhance your health and comfort.
What is movements
As you work, you should hold your elbows at no more than a ................. - degree angle away from your body for extended periods of time.
What is 60

How a person dresses and takes care of his or her hair, skin and nails best reflects one's _________.

What is personal grooming habits.


Your ________ not only conveys and image, but also helps you get through your day feeling good and doing you best work.

What is your posture


When standing to cut hair, position your legs hip width apart, bend your knees slightly, and align you pelvis with your_____________. 

What is abdomen

To avoid ergonomic-related injuries, consider using.........................
What is an anti-fatigue mat
Establishing a professional online image is an essential ..................... attribute.
What is image-building