A discoloration due to systemic disorder like heart disease, and others associated with lack of circulation.
What is Blue Nail or Discolored Nail
Damaged skin around the nail plate (often on the eponychium) becomes split or torn. Also known as Agnail.
What is Hangnail
Edges of the nail that roll around to form a trumpet. Dramatically increased nail curvature of the free edge. The nail can curl in upon itself or may be deformed only on one sidewall.
What is Pincer nails
Separation and falling off of a nail plate from the nail bed; caused by infection
What is Onychomadesis
Discoloration due to injury trapping blood under the nail plate. Dark purplish in color, usually due to a small nail bed injury
What is Bruised nail
Lengthwise grooves in the plate
What is Ridged nail
Depressions running across the nail plate's width due to a slowing of production of matrix cells
What is Beau's Lines
Bacterial inflammation of the tissue around the nail. Caused by harsh chemicals excessive water.
What is Paronychia or felon
Nail surface pitting, roughness, onycholysis, and bed discolorations randomly or evenly spaced
What is Nail Psoriasis
Caused by minor injury to the nail matrix that creates white spots.
What is leukonychia
Ingrown nail, wherein the nail grows into the sides of the tissue around the nail
What is Onychcryptosis
Significant nail darkening caused by increased pigment cells (melanocytes), visible as a black band extending from the base to the free edge, or as a dark color over the entire nail plate
What is Melanonychia
Thin, white and flexible caused by diet, illness, or Medication.
What is egg shell nails
Seperation of the nail plate and bed, often due to injury or allergic reactions; when the cause is removed, the area slowly begins healing
What is Onycholysis
Nail plate fungal infection, consisting of whitish patches that can be scraped off the nail's surface. Crumbling of the nail spreading toward the matrix.
What is onychomycosis
Damage to the capillaries under the nail, caused by physical trauma or nail bed injury
What is Splinter hemorrhage
A rare serious type of skin cancer that begins in the nail matrix
What is nail Melanoma
Daily Double: Rapidly growing bacteria that can cause infection starts off as Yellow to green then can become dark brown or black.
What is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Severe inflammation that causes the underlying tissue to come up through the plate from the nail bed.
What is Pyogenic Granuloma
Irregular stretching of the eponychium or hyponychium around the nail plate; usually from serious injury or an allergic skin reaction
What is Nail Pterygium