Although mom's queen, it's easier for your tongue and mouth to refer to dad...which makes mom upset, sometimes. Oh, well!
What are your first words?
A money-saving, happy moment for your parents, and their noses too...
What is learning to use the potty?
Being told stories is fun! But, when you learn to do this, you can relive the story, and deliver it the way you want, whenever you want...
What is reading?
Learning to manipulate laces with your fingers....
What is tying your shoe?
Your hairs may grow, your teeth may strengthen...your odors become stronger, too! Your voice may deepen, your body may leap in...size (at least some parts). The world will never look the same in your eyes...
What is puberty?
Some of you cried, because you could not do this. Better skills were needed. After having someone else do it, you learned to do it yourself. After all, you needed to eat...
What is holding your bottle?
Your mode of transportation...
What is walking?
Learning to communicate in another way, outside of talking...finger manipulation, scratching, and spacing.
What is writing?
The year of the nickel...When you hit this huge milestone, it was time to play in the garden...
What is turning five (5) years old?
Learning to consider others' space and feelings...
What is respecting others?
Your parents could lay you down, do housework, and knew your were safe, until...
What is learning how to crawl?
They worked hard to teach you. But, once you learned how to do this, your parents probably wished you never
What is talking?
You probably loved ranking these symbols and markings, at first. In many ways, you still love them, especially in your pockets. However, in school, most seem to grow a dislike for interacting with these symbols...
What are numbers?
When we use counting numbers, we always start with the number, one (1). However, when you started your school experiences, your counting numbers began with...
What is (K) kindergarten?
There are more than 20 muscles involved in this necessary action. The mouth, throat, and esophagus require many muscles for you to do this...
What is learning how to swallow?
You should not be a follower! However, following these can be good for you...can make life easier. Just listen and do what you're told!
What is following directions?
Up and down, all around...listen to that squishy sound. Messy hand, messy bite...make those "chicklets" pearly white.
What is brushing your teeth?
Learning to use the right amount of pressure, and staying within your boundaries are key to skill...
What is coloring?
When you laid on your stomach, it was important that you didn't smother. You had to strengthen your scrag!
What is lifting/holding your head up?
The world is a magical place for a toddler...full of wonders and questions. They always get their fingers on things they should not touch. But, how can you blame them? They're going to investigate like nosy spies.
What is adventurous/exploring?
Some can do this for themselves. Some need others to do it for them. It takes good eyes and ears for scanning or listening, a mind's imagination, and thinking skills to make it make sense.
What is reading, or listening to a reading of a book?
Right face! Forward, march!
What is walking in line?